

Gender: female

Cell Phone: 18694092093

Email:   wenyunwhu@163.com

Teaching Experience

New World Interactive English

New target Integrated English Course

Focus listening and speaking

Law and society

Publications in the Field of Expertise

A. Books

Wen Y.  New Extensive English Study Guide, Central China Normal University Publishing House. Wuhan, 2003.

Wen Y, The Reference for New Perspective English. Central China Normal University Publishing House. Wuhan, 2004

B. Papers in Professional Journals

1. Wen Y. “A Glimpse at the Arousing Students’ Interest in English Class.” The Academic Education and Research. 2014

2. Wen Y. “The Imbalances and Inequalities in China Higher Education”.  The Current University Education.  2010

3. Wen Y.  “Clever Use of Songs in Listening Class.”  Higher Educational Forum.  2000.

4.Wen Y. “Comparison About the Spelling and Phonetic between British English and American English.”  Higher Educational Forum. 2000

Professional honors and awards

2017.  Award for Teaching Excellence. Undergraduate College, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China.

2018.  Award for Teaching Excellence. Undergraduate College, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China.
