

Associate Professor

College English Department, School of Foreign Languages and Literature


Academic History

· Ph.D. in Foreign Language Education, University of Texas at Austin, USA

· Master in Foreign Language Education, University of Texas at Austin, USA

· Bachelor in English, Wuhan University

Research Interests

· Applied Linguistics

· Second Language Reading

· Language Assessment

· Second Language Acquisition

Professional Experience

· Associate Professor, School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Wuhan University

· Lecturer, School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Wuhan University

Professional Activities

· Editorial Board of The Journal of Asia TEFL

· Reviewer of TESOL Quarterly, System, International Journal of English for Academic Purposes, Language and Intercultural Communication

Selected Publications

Journal Articles

1. Gui, M., Chen, X., & Verspoor, M. (2021). The dynamics of reading development in L2 English for academic purposes. System, 100. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2021.102546 [SSCI]

2. Luo, H. & Gui, M. (2021). Developing an effective Chinese-American telecollaborative learning program: An action research study. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 34,609-636. https://doi.org/10.1080/09588221.2019.1633355 [SSCI]

3. Gui, M., Shang, Y., & Chen, X. (2020). Effect of timed reading on Chinese undergraduates’ EFL reading rates: Mixed-methods analyses. Reading in a Foreign Language, 32(2) 104-121.

4. Clark-Gareca, B. & Gui, M. (2019). Chinese and American EFL teachers’ beliefs about curricular and pedagogical practices: Cross-cultural similarities and differences. Language and Intercultural Communication, 19 (2), 137-151. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14708477.2018.1456546 [SSCI]

5. Bikowski, D. & Gui, M. (2018). The influence of culture and educational context on Chinese students’ understandings of source use practices and plagiarism. System, 74, 194-205. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2018.03.017 [SSCI]

6. Gui, M. (2012). Exploring differences between Chinese and American EFL teachers' evaluations of speech performance. Language Assessment Quarterly, 9(2), 186-203. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15434303.2011.614030 [SSCI]
