
Name: LU Jumei

Title: Lecturer

Affiliation: College English Department, School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Wuhan University

EMAIL: lujumei@126.com


M. A.,English Language and Literature, School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Central China Normal University(1998-2008)

B. A.,English,English Language and Literature, Hubei Teachers’ University(1986-1990)

? Teaching and Research Areas

Courses taught: College English, English for Postgraduates

Research areas: British and American Cultures, Teaching English as a Second Language

? Professional Positions

1996- Lecturer, Wuhan University

? Awards

l 2006 Award for Outstanding Teacher to Adults Education by Nanjing Surveying and Mapping Institute

l 1999 Award for Outstanding Teacher of the Year by Wuhan University of Surveying and Mapping

? Academic Exchanges

l 2005-2006, Visiting Scholar, English Department, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland

? Selected publications

Books and Book Chapters:

l English Vocabulary and Structure 1500 (Haixia Culture and Arts Publishing House 1999), ed. By Huatian Li, and Jumei Lu, etc.

l Practical English Course (Wuhan: Wuhan Industrial University 1999), ed. By Chuanying Li, and Jumei Lu, etc.

Journal Articles

l ‘A Tentative Analysis of the Marginality and Heterogeneity of Le Clezio’s Narrative’, Foreign Languages and Their Teaching, 2012(3):89-92.

l ‘On Criteria in Translation of Science Journals,’ Chinese-English Language and Culture Analysis and Research, 2000(1), pp. 450-452.


l Research Program, “Learning English by Practicing Writing English Compositions”, funded by Wuhan University, 2004-2006.
