

TANG Jianing (Jenny)

Office Address

Cellege English Department

Wuhan University

Wuhan, 430072

+86 150 0713 0385

E-mail: tangjianing@whu.edu.cn

Educational Background

2018 Ph.D., Wuhan University (Psychology). Advisor: Nian Zhong

2008 LL.M., Leiden University, the Netherlands, (European Law)

2002 B.A., Wuhan University (English)

2002 LL.B., Wuhan University, (Law)

Professional Experience

2011- present: Lecturer, School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Wuhan University

2015- Present: Contract Research Fellow, Modern Psychology Research Center, Wuhan University

2013-2016: Research Assistant, Psychology Department, School of Philosophy, Wuhan University

2011- present, Interpreter; Interpretating for academic conferences and academic tours (especially for School of Philosophy, Foreign Language School and Law School) at Wuhan University

2008-2014: Senior Lecturer for TOELF and IELTS examinations, Wuhan New Oriental Language School (wh.xdf.cn)

2007-2008: Intern, The Hague Institute for Innovation of Law, (HiiL), Hague

Primary Interests

Cultural psychology

Cultures of learning: academic adaptation of Chinese overseas students

Intercultural adaptation: sociocultural and psychological adaptation

Assessment of English language learners

English for Academic Purpose (EAP)

Bilingual Education (ESL)

Cross-Cultural Communication

Professional Activities

Member, Asian Association of Social Psychology, 2015

Member, Chinese Association of Social Psychology, 2015

Member of the Professional Committees of Summit Forum of China’s Cultural Psychology, 2013, 2016


First Prize winner, Lecturer Competition, School of Foreign Languages and Literature, 2014, 2016

Second Prize winner, 7th SFLEP National Foreign Language Teaching Contest (Hubei), 2015

Wuhan University Yearly Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2018


American Culture and Society

British Culture and Society

Advanced English for College Students


2018 The National “Double-Tops” Construction Program Funding for Young Teachers (12-24 months, Wuhan University, April 2018- December 2019)

Department and University Service

2018-present  Editor of WUDA English e-Journal (Listening Skills Session)(Online)

2017-2018    Adviser and Coach, Wuhan University English Public Speaking Team

2012- present  Interpreter for academic conferences, meetings and visits, Wuhan University

Publications and Papers

Journal Articles

Zhong, N., Tang, J.(2014) What are the key abilities of a good psychologist? Proceedings of the First Summit Forum of China’s Cultural Psychology, The American Scholar Press: 29-38

Spencer, A., Tang, J. (2016) Cultural Synergy and Metacognitive Models: Intercultural Adaptation of Chinese Students and Their US Teachers, In Wang. H., You. C., Cheng, X. (Eds) Cross-cultural Communication and English Language Teaching, Wuhan University Press. 2016: 19-46

Tang, J. Jiang, X. (2018) “The structure of political expression on the Internet.” Marxist Philosophical Research (1):224-233

Book Chapters

Tang, J. Forthcoming (accepted November 2017). Culture and Communication. Cultural Psycholgy, edited by N. Zhong. Beijing: Educational Science Publishing House

Fransella, F., Dalton, P. (2019) Personal Construct Counselling in Action. (Counselling in Action series) (T. Wang, Y. Wang, & J. Tang, Trans) Chongqing: Chongqing University Press. (Original work published 1982).

J. Heine. (2019) Cultural Psychology. (C.Zhang, D.Wang, J. Hong, & J. Tang, Trans) New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. (3rd Edition published 2015)
