
Name: CAI Xiaorong

Academic Title: Professor


College English Department







Chinese Modern & Contemporary Literature,

Wuhan University (2007-2011)


English Language & Literature,

Wuhan University (2001-2004)


English Language & Literature,

Wuhan University (1989-1993)


? Teaching and Research Field

Courses Taught:China in English Context;

Selected Readings to Classics in Western Culture;

College English (Undergraduate Level)

College English for Graduates (Postgraduate Level)

Research Field:British & American Literature;

             Chinese Literature;


? Academic Positions

November 2012- present

Professor of School of Foreign Languages and Literature,

Wuhan University

November 2004- October 2012

Associate Professor of School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Wuhan University

November 1998- October 2004

Lecturer of School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Wuhan University

July 1993 – October 1998

Assistant of School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Wuhan University

? Selected Honors and Awards

?  The Thesis Paper “Hua Mu-lan: The Cross-Cultural Woman Warrior” won Excellence Award for Master Degree Thesis in Hubei Province, 2005.

? Outstanding Doctoral Candidate Award, Wuhan University, 2007-2008.

? Teaching Quality Excellence Award, Wuhan University, 2003; 2008

? Undergradute Teaching Achievement Award, Wuhan University, 2017

? Blackboard Writing Techiniques Competition Prize, Wuhan University, 2018

? Innovative Teaching Competition Award, Wuhan University, 2020

? The essays in “On Chinese Traditional Picture-Story Books” won “The Best Chinese Essay Award”, China Writers’ Association, 2009.

? The essays in “On Chinese Traditional Picture-Story Books” won “The Best Chinese Prose Award”, China Writers’ Association, 2009.

? “On Chinese Traditional Picture-Story Books” was recommended by Books Channel, CCTV, 2011.

? Prose Prize, International Teochew Literature Award, Shantou University, 2013.

? Academic Exchanges

Research Scholar at Asian and Middle East Department of Duke University, U.S.

                                       October 2015 – October 2016


? Selected Publications:

On Chinese Traditional Picture-Story Books ( a collection of essays, Peking University Press, 2009)

The Ear of Wheat ( a collection of essays, Nanfang Daily Press, 2010)

Cooing and Wooing (a novel, Chongqing Press, 2012)

A Nostalgic Love for Chinese Picture-Story Books (a collection of essays, Henan University Press,2014)

She Comes from Liaozhao (a collection of essays, Henan University Press,2015)

Journey to the Doctor’s Degree (a collection of essays, Peking University Press, 2016)

? Selected Papers:

? “On Musical Nature of Geling Yan’s Novels”

? “From Absurdity to Perfection, from Extraordinary to Ordinary:

On Paradoxical Plots in Geling Yan’s Novels”

? “The Superstructure of the Spiritual World in Geling Yan’s Works”

? “Geling Yan’s Early Works and Chinese Literature in 1980s”

? “Geling Yan, the Literary Dancer”

? “A Perfect Matching: the Novel and the Picture-story of Great Changes in the Countryside”

? “The Previous Existence and After-life of Chinese Picture-story Books”

? “A History of Literature in the Style of a Full-length Novel:

On ‘An Illustrated History of Modern Chinese Popular Literature’ ”

? “From Winkle to Mulan: A Discussion on American Caricature”

?  “Mulan: An Inter-Cultural Figure in College English Class”

?  “Blog: A New Space in English Learning”

? “Powerpoint DIY: A Method to Cultivate Autonomic Learning”

? “Writing in Unlimited Time: An Effective Preparation for Writing in Limited Time”

? “Reincarnation of Masterpieces: On Parallelism in Literary Translation”

? Research Projects:

? Project leader, “An Artistic Review on Geling Yan’s Literary Works, from the Perspectives of Painting, Music & Dance” (Grant No. 11CZW064), Project supported by National Fund of Philosophy and Social Science of China, 2011-2015.

? Project leader, “Reflection: A Comparative Review on Chinese Literature in Old & New Picture-Reading Eras”, Project supported by Humanity and Social Science Department of Wuhan University, 2010-2012.

? Project leader, “Reflection: A Comparative Review on Chinese Modern Literature in Old & New Picture-Reading Eras”, Project supported by Humanity and Social Science Foundation of Hubei Ministry of Education, 2009-2010.

? Project leader, “Hua Mulan: The Cross-Cultural Woman Warrior”, Project supported by Humanity and Social Science Department of Wuhan University, 2004-2006.

? Project leader, “An Artistic View of ‘Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio’, from the Perspective of Chinese Traditional Picture Books”, Project supported by Humanity and Social Science Department of Wuhan University, 2020 -2022.
