
A 基本信息

姓名:ZHENG Wendong


所在系部:Department of Russian



D.: From September 2003 to June 2006, she received her doctoral degree in "Literary Rhetoric and Cultural Semiotics" from the Russian Language Institute of Beijing Foreign Studies University.

M.A.: September 1991-July 1994, M.A., Wuhan University, Department of Russian Language.

B.A.: September 1987-July 1991, Wuhan University, Russian Department, B.A.

B 教师介绍


Teaching courses: Basic Russian (I, II, III, IV) for undergraduates, Russian rhetoric, European and American literary thought, literary rhetoric, cultural semiotics for postgraduates

Research fields: Russian literary rhetoric, Russian literary theory


1994.07 - 1996.11 Lecturer, Department of Russian Language, College of Foreign Languages, Wuhan University                  

1996.11 - 2002.11 Associate Professor, Department of Russian Language, College of Foreign Languages, Wuhan University

1997.10 - 1998.10 Visiting Scholar, Kharkiv University, Ukraine        

2008.11 - Present Professor, Department of Russian, College of Foreign Languages, Wuhan University, and since 2010, Head of the Department

2012.11 - Present Doctoral Supervisor, Department of Russian Language, Wuhan University

2016.10 - 2017.01 Visiting Scholar, St. Moscow State University, Russia

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Awarded the Wuhan University Undergraduate Excellence in Teaching Performance Award for the 2017-2018 academic year. (2018.12)

Received several times the Outstanding Master's Student Supervisor in the School of Foreign Languages, Wuhan University.


From 2008 to 2018,  was a member of the editorial board of Chinese Russian Language Teaching. from 2018 to the present,  is the executive director of the Chinese Association for the Study of Russian Language Teaching. from 2016 to the present, is the executive director of the Chinese Association for Bakhtin Studies and the executive director of the branch of Foreign Literature and Comparative Poetics.

C 研究成果


1. Monograph "Research on the Theory of Cultural Symbolic Domain", Wuhan University Press, 2007.

2. edited "The Homeland of the North Wind - Russia", Wuhan University Press, 2003.

3. Translated "Father and Son" by Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House, 2000, and reprinted several times.

4. Editor-in-chief of "Happy Learning Russian", Wuhan University Press, 2011

5. Editor-in-chief of "Russian for University Teachers (New Eastern Edition) 3" (National Planning Textbook of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan), Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2011.

6. Editor-in-chief of "University Russian (New Oriental Version) Listening Tutorial 2" (Eleventh Five-Year Plan National Textbook), Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2013

7. Editor-in-chief of "The New Oriental Edition of Listening Tutorial 3" (National Planning Textbook of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan), Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2014

8. Translation of "Theory and Methodology of Foreign Literature", Henan University Press, 2019

9. co-editor of "Reading Russian Newspapers" (revised version), Wuhan University Press, 2004

10. Editor of Foreign Literature (edited by Tu Xianfeng), Beijing University Press, 2014

11. co-editor of "European and American Literary Thought and Literary Criticism" (edited by Zhu Binzhong), Wuhan University Press, 2016

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1. "Cultural Comparison Needs an Instrumental Language - [Russian] Lotman's Concept of Instrumental Language" was published in Foreign Social Sciences, No. 1, 2009.

2. "A Never-ending M?bius Belt: Analysis of the Narrative Structure of Nabokov's Gifted" published in Foreign Languages, No.2, 2009

3. The paper "Symbolic Domains: Carriers of National Culture - Interpretation of Lotman's Concept of Symbolic Domain" was published in the fourth issue of Chinese Russian Language Teaching in 2005.

4. The paper "The Spatial Structure of the Symbolic Domain: A Perspective of Lotman's Cultural Semiotics" was published in the Journal of the PLA Foreign Language Institute, No. 1, 2006.

5. The paper "The Natural Science Origin of Lotman's Academic Thought" (8200 words) was published in the second issue of Russian Literature and Arts in 2007.

6. The paper "The role of mythological thinking in cultural topology - an observation from the perspective of Lotman's cultural semiotics" was published in the second issue of "Russian Language Teaching in China" in 2008.

7. The paper "Observations and Reflections on the Privatization of Russian Economy" was published in Hubei Social Science, No.10, 2008.

8. The paper "From Rhetorical Image to Lyrical Protagonist" was published in "Chinese and Foreign Culture and Literature", 12th series, published by Sichuan University Press in 2005.

9. "Translation Mechanisms in Cultural Interaction: A Perspective of Lotman's Cultural Semiotics" was published in Russian Language and Russian Literature in Time and Space, Series 5, 2011 by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Publishing House.

10. "Comparison of Russian-Chinese phonemic changes in the flow of speech" published in the Russian BAK journal "Russian Language Abroad" (русский язык за рубежом), No. 3, 2017, Zheng Wendong and Wang Pan (Сопоставление изменений русских и китайских фонем в потоке речи)

11. "Dialogical Mechanism of Texts in Cultural Interaction - Observations from the Perspective of Lotman's Cultural Semiotics" is published in "Studies on the Travel Problems of the Core Cluster Theory of Foreign Literatures - Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Modern Slavic Literatures and Comparative Poetics, Published by China Social Science Press, August 2018.

12. "A comparative study of Sino-Russian expressions of spatial relations" (Сопоставительное исследование форм выражения пространственных отношений в китайском и русском языках) (in Russian) was published in the Journal of South Ural State University (Вестник Южно-уральского государственного университета) 2018, No. 3, Vol. 10; Russian ВАК Journal, Tan Jing, Zheng Wendong

13. "Ethnocultural and linguistic analysis of "gift-giving" culture in China and Russia - the example of birthdays and weddings" (Национальнально-культурный и языковой анализ дар ения подарков в Китае и России на примерах дня рождения и свадьбы) (in Russian) published in the Journal of the Kazan State University of Culture and Arts, No. 4, 2017; Russian journal ВАК, Wang Pan, Zheng Wendong (Вестник Казанского государстве нного университета культуры и искусств)

14. "Analysis of Breusov's reception in Chinese literary theory" (Анализ восприятия В.Я. Брюсова в китайском литературоведении) published in the Russian BAK journal "Language Science" ( Филологические науки), No. 5, 2019, Wang Pan and Zheng Wendong

15. "The role of discourse patterns in the dynamic unfolding of chapter layout" published in Chinese Russian Language Teaching, 2019, No. 2, Luyao Wang and Wendong Zheng

16. "The Later in the Gallery of "Little People" - Characterization in Lemizov's "The Tireless Drum"" published in Russian Literature and Art, No. 2, 2020, Luyao Wang and Wendong Zheng

17. "The History of Literary Criticism in the Perspective of Four Academic Paradigms - A Review of <Theory and Methodology of Foreign Literary Studies>" published in Foreign Literary Studies and Comparative Poetics, 6th series, Intellectual Property Press, January 2020, Zheng Wendong, Wang Pan

18. "Features of the mechanism of humanistic exchanges between Russia and China in the new period" published in Eurasian Humanities Studies, No. 2, 2021, Zheng Wendong, Wang Luyao, Cheng Ping

19. Translation of the article "Symbolic typology of Russian culture in the 18th century" in Changjiang Academic, No. 3, 2011

20. Translation of "Comparison and "Ordinary Theory" - Elements of Historical Comparison in Various Poetical Systems" in Foreign Literatures and Comparative Poetics (1st series), World Knowledge Press, May 2014

21. Translation of the article "Mikhail Bakhtin and Roland Barthes" in Foreign Literary Theory and Comparative Poetics, 2nd series, Intellectual Property Press, April 2015

22. "The Three Functions of the Text" in Foreign Literature and Comparative Poetics, 4th series, Intellectual Property Publishing House, 2017.

23. Translation of "Shklovsky vs. Jacobson: The War of Language" in Foreign Literature and Comparative Poetics, 4th series, Intellectual Property Press, 2017.

24. Translation of "Bakhtin and the School of Formalism: An Unobserved Intersection" in Social Science Front, No. 5, May 2019; Zheng Wendong and Wang Pan

25. Translation of "Pascal Casanova and the French Republic of Literature" in Foreign Literature and Comparative Poetics, No. 7, Intellectual Property Press, 2020


1. Presided over the Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences 2006 Annual Planning Project "Research on the Theory of Cultural Symbolic Domain", December 2006-December 2009, which has been completed.

2. Chaired the general project of National Social Science Foundation of China in 2020, "Research on the Theoretical Fluctuation of Moscow-Tartu School of Symbols".

3. Participated in the major project of the National Social Science Foundation of China "Study on the Chinese translation of modern Slavic literary classics and the famous names" (host: Zhou Qichao), and was the leader of the subproject "Study on the compilation and Chinese translation of Yuri Tignanov on literature and the literary theory of Russian formalism "(2017-2023)

4.He is in charge of the Hubei Provincial Excellence Course "Basic Russian Language Comprehensive Practice Course", approved in 2012.

5. Participated in the "Research on the Image Development Strategy of Chinese and Foreign Humanities Exchange Mechanism" (host: Cheng Ping) of the 2019 Ministry of Education Country and Regional Studies.

6. Hosted a teaching reform project of Wuhan University in 2007, the title of which is: "Course Setting and Teaching Reform of Russian Language Course in the Improvement Stage". The project period is from 2007 to 2009.
