
TIAN Yuan, female, born in 1974, Wuhan, Hubei, Ph.D. in linguistics, is an associate professor and deputy head of the Department of Russian Language, Wuhan University, College of Foreign Languages.

Research interests include Russian-Ukrainian country studies and Russian linguistics. Teaches basic Russian 1-4, Ukrainian, postgraduate Russian grammar, theory and methods of language studies, etc. Has published 20 papers and translations in academic journals at home and abroad, one monograph and one textbook. Won the first prize in the 2012 Young Teachers' Lecture Competition of the School of Foreign Languages and the 2016-2017 Wuhan University Undergraduate Outstanding Teaching Performance Award.

September 1986-June 1992 Secondary school (junior and senior high school), Wuhan Foreign Language School

September 1992-December 1995 University, Wuhan University, Foreign Languages Department, Department of Russian (four-year undergraduate degree in advance)

December 1995-present Teacher, Department of Russian Language, Wuhan University, College of Foreign Languages, Teaching assistants in December 1996, rated lecturer in September 2001, associate professor in December 2008, Master Instructor in 2009.

Sept. 1996-Sept. 1998 State study abroad (general visiting scholar) at the Department of philology, Lviv University, Ukraine, Ukrainian language.

Sep. 2000-Sep. 2003 In-service Master's degree, Department of Russian Language, Wuhan University, School of Foreign Languages, Russian Linguistics, Russian Grammar.

Oct. 2002 Won the second prize in the postgraduate category of the First Russian Language and Culture Competition in Southern China Universities.

September 2003-October 2007 PhD studies at Pushkin Russian Language Institute, State Public School, Russian as a Foreign Language, direction of speech communication: "Russian speech etiquette in the field of socio-political communication".

October 2017 Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Performance 2016-2017, Wuhan University.

September 2018-March 2019 State public assignment to Moscow University, Department of Languages, General Visiting Scholar, research topic: "Intercultural communication between Russian and Chinese teachers and students".

December 2019-present Secretary of the Party Branch, Deputy Head of the Department of Russian Language, Wuhan University, College of Foreign Languages, Director of the Center for Regional Country-Ukrainian Studies.

Teaching work

1995-present Practical course "Basic Russian 1-4" (compulsory) for the first and second years of the undergraduate degree in Russian

1999-present Practical course "Ukrainian" in the third year of undergraduate studies in Russian (optional)

2012-2014 Practical course "Advanced Interpretation" (compulsory) for the fourth year of undergraduate studies in Russian

2009-present First-year theoretical course "Russian grammar" for master's degree in Russian (compulsory)

2010-present First-year general studies course of Master's degree in School of Foreign Languages "Theory and Methods of Language Studies" (compulsory, course leader since 2016)

2020-present "Integrated Russian 1-3" in the "Experimental Class of Multilingual Elite Talents" of the Wuhan University Undergraduate School (major and minor compulsory course leader)

Main scientific achievements


1. The pride of the Ukrainian nation - Ukrainian folk songs, Proceedings of Translation and Culture, Hubei Science and Technology Publishing House, 2000.

2. Kasprishen Z. O., Tian Yuan, Phraseological units with the word "head" in Ukrainian and Chinese. Conference article collector, 1997.  

3. Analysis of the 2002 entrance examination papers, Russian language in secondary schools, 2002, III, IV.

4. Addressing Putin's language - the expression of speech etiquette in the sphere of socio-political communication (in Russian), Language, Literature, Ideology: Diversity of Cultural Practices: Proceedings of the First International Symposium, Kursk, November 28-December 1, 2006.

5. The ironic usage of polite terms in violation of the principle of communicative tolerance (in Russian), Slavic Culture: Origins, Traditions, Interactions. Proceedings of the 8th Kirill Mevorky International Academic Conference", May 15-18, 2007.

6. The term of address to the people - the way of referring to the socio-political sphere of communication (in Russian), Foreign Russian (Русский язык за рубежом), No. 3, 2007.

7. Analysis of the role of communicators in the sphere of public politics (in Russian), Modern Humanistic Studies (Исследование гуманитарных наук), No. 6, 2007.

8. The image of speech etiquette of Russian politicians (in Russian), Problems of philology (Филологические вопросы), No. 5, 2009.

10, Tian Yuan, Liu Zaiqi, "Russian-Ukrainian Studies at Wuhan University" // "Russiology" in China (2nd series), edited by Li Yongquan and Huang Peng, Social Science Literature Publishing House, December 2018.

11, Koshevoy С. А., Tian Yuan, Liu Zaiqi, Kuang Zengjun, Ukraine Research Center at Wuhan University: history and modernity,Ukraine-China,No. 4, 2018.

12. Language barriers and solutions in communication between Russian teachers and Chinese students (the example of the classroom of the Department of Philology of Moscow University) (conference presentation, in Russian), Proceedings of the International Conference "Real problems of teaching Russian as a foreign language and pedagogical research", Orel University, Russia, April 13-14, 2019.

13. Political, economic and cultural exchanges between Hubei and Ukraine in the 1950s-1990s (in Russian), Ukrainian Sinology Studies, No. 2, 2020.  

14, Intercultural communication between Russian teachers and Chinese students in the classroom based on a questionnaire (in Russian), Baltic Humanities Studies, No. 1, 2021.

1, M. B. Marinov, I. M. Zhukova, translated by Tian Yuan and Xiao Weihuan, "East-West Cultural Exchange and Passage: from the 'Wanli Tea Road' to a Longer History," Proceedings of the International Conference "Wanli Tea Road and One Belt and One Road: Album of the Five Peaks Academic Conference , co-edited by Hubei Federation of Social Science Circles and Wuhan University, July 2017.

2, V. Datsyshen, translated by Tian Yuan and Chen Jia, Preface to the monograph "Hubei and the Wanli Tea Road", "Sino-Russian relations in the context of Sino-Russian tea trade", Hubei and the Wanli Tea Road, Liu Zaiqi et al, People's Publishing House, October 2018.

3, Igor Zakharenko, translated by Tian Yuan, Soft Power of the Wanli Tea Road: a civilizational road of exchange and mutual appreciation between China and Russia, Cultural Soft Power, No. 5, 2018.

4. V. Datsyshen, translated by Tian Yuan and Xiao Weihuan, Research on Hubei Tea Culture in Russian Academia, Cultural Soft Power, No. 1, 2019.

5. by M.М. Lebedeva, translated by Liu Zaiqi and Tian Yuan, World Politics, Wuhan University Press, 2008. 292 thousand words, 140 thousand words by myself.

6. Lao Tzu: a comparison of Chinese and Ukrainian / (Spring and Autumn) by Lao Tzu; translated by Chen Guying in Mandarin Chinese; translated by (Ukrainian) Popkov Vassily Vasilievich ; proofread and translated by Tian Yuan. -- Dalian: Dalian University of Technology Press, 2021.01.

Monographs, textbooks, dictionaries.

1, Russian verbal etiquette in the field of socio-political communication (monograph), Wuhan University Press, October 2010.

2, Tian Yuan, Wang Luyao, Spoken Russian for Foreign Hospitality (Textbook), China University of Geosciences Press, November 2016.

3. Kang Zhaoan and Hu Guming, editors, Latest Dictionary of Fixed Combination Words in Russian, Shanghai Translation Press, 2006. tian Yuan is the fourth editor of the revised edition.


1、leaded the Youth Project of Wuhan University Humanities and Social Sciences Research: "Research on the Pragmatics of Public Political Communication", 10,000 Yuan, 2008-2010.

2. leaded the project of Scientific Research Start-up Fund for Returned Overseas Chinese Students of Ministry of Education China: "Research on Speech Etiquette in Socio-Political Communication", 20,000 Yuan, 2010.8-2012.8.

3. leaded the "Double First-class" project of Wuhan University: "Intercultural communication between Chinese and Russian teachers and students", 10,000 Yuan, 2018-2019.

4. leading a master's course on "Theory and Methodology of Language Research" of the Graduate School of Wuhan University, RMB 40,000, 2020-2022.

5. leading the 2021 Regional Country Studies Project of the Department of International Exchange of Wuhan University, "Research on Ukraine's Strategy towards China under the China-US-Russian Game", "Benefits and Ways of Education, Science and Technology Exchange and Cooperation between China and Russia, Ukraine and Belarus", RMB 50,000. 2021.03-2021.12.

6、Participated in the teaching project of the Graduate School of Wuhan University: Master's General Studies Course "Theory and Methodology of Language Research", leaded by Zhou Baoguo, RMB 30,000, 2010-2012. fifth member, RMB 5,000.

7、Participating in the teaching project of Hubei Provincial Excellence Course: "Comprehensive Practice of Basic Russian", leaded by Zheng Wendong, no funding, 2010-2012.

8. Participated in the National Social Science Foundation of China: "Research on the change and development of Russian archives in the past 20 years since the collapse of the Soviet Union", hosted by Xiao Qiuhui, 180,000 Yuan, 2013.6-2015.12. The second member.
