

SHI Yangyang




Foreign language- Japanese

political status

CPC member



highest edu

Tohoku University  Japanese Linguistics PhD

Teaching and research fields

Teaching courses: Basic Japanese, Comprehensive Japanese, Japanese Society and Culture

Research Fields: Japanese Linguistics, Lexicology, Corpus Application and Analysis

Academic experience

2019.4-2019.8 Served as a teaching assistant for the master's program "Integrated Japanese Studies" at Tohoku University, Japan

2019.8-2020.2  Served as a research assistant in the Japanese Linguistics Laboratory of Tohoku University, Japan



(1) 2021.3  Transition of Loanword "shisutemu "(English‘system’)in modern times,"Japanese Language Studies", "Japanese Language Studies" Publications, No. 60, pp160-175,

(2) 2020.9   A process of rapid increase in loan word usage in the latter half of the 20th century-an example of the process of increase in Loanword "patterns"-,"Culture", Tohoku University Literature Society, Vol. 84, Nos. 1 and 2, pp.80-98

(3) 2020.3   The process of accepting the loan word "mode" in modern times,"Japanese Language Studies", "Japanese Language Studies" Publications, No. 59, pp.341-356

(4) 2019.3  Transition of loan word "image" in modern times,"Literary Studies", Japanese Literature Study Group, Vol. 187, pp.14-28

(5) 2018.12   Transition of the loan word "point" in modern times,"Language Science", Tohoku University Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Department of Language Science, No. 22, pp.13-25

(6) 2017.9   Transition of the loan word "sense" in modern times,"Literary Studies", Japanese Literature Study Group, Vol. 184, pp.31-45

Speeches at academic conferences

(1) 2019.10  A process of rapid increase in loan word usage in the latter half of the 20th century-an example of the process of increase in Loanword "patterns"-

The Fall 2019 Japanese Language Society, in Sendai, Japan

(2) 2019.3  Transition of loan word "pattern"

2019 Spring Tohoku University / Osaka University Joint Seminar in Osaka, Japan

(3) 2017.6 Transition of the loan word "sense" in modern times

69th Japan Literature Study Group Research Presentation Tournament, in Sendai, Japan

(4) 2016.4  Acceptance and change of loan word "point"

395th Japanese Language Study Group, Sendai, Japan


(1)2021.1 The Philosophy of Economic Management of the Bird Nobles "280 Yen Kyuichi"

(Japanese) by Okura Tadaji, translated by Shi Yangyang, Oriental Publishing House
