
BAO Xiangfei

Department of German Language and Literature, School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Wuhan University, P. R. China    430072

Email: baoxiangfei163@163.com

Education and Academic Positions

Current: Professor of German language, literature and culture.

2000-today: Teaching and Academic fellow in Department of German Language and Literature, School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Wuhan University.

2003-2004: Visiting scholar in Trier University, Germany.

2009-2014: Associate Professor, School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Wuhan University.

2014-today: Professor, School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Wuhan University.

1993.09-1997.07:  School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Wuhan University. B. A. in German Language and Literature.

1997.09-2000.07:  School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Wuhan University. M. A. in German linguistics.

2005.09-2009.07:  School of Philosophy, Wuhan University. Ph. D in Philosophy.

Research Interests

-German culture;

-German linguistics;

-Comparative study of Chinese and German cultures.



1. Kant’s Philosophy of Mathematics. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2013.

2. Traces of True. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2013.

Co-author and translated works:

Duft der Zeit. Chongqing: Chongqing University Press, 2017.

Part of the published articles:

1. “Utopia and Topology: Comparison of Kant's Subject and Heidegger's Dasein,” Modern Philosophy 2009 (04).

2.  “The Meaning of ‘Watching’ Visual Poems: Centered on Gerhard Rühm’s Visual Poem Licht,” Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages 2011 (02).

3. “On Kant's View of Geometry under the Background of Modern Mathematics,” Philosophical Research 2012 (02).

4.  “The Broad Irony,” Culture and Poetics 2012 (02).

5.  “External Perspective and the Expectation of Others: Review of Karl-Heinz Pohl’s ?sthetik und Literatur Theorie in China: von der Tradition bis zur Moderne,” International Sinology 2015 (01).

6. “The Relationship between Freedom and Beauty in Schiller’s Aesthetics,” Wuda Philosophical Review 2020 (01).

Courses and Lectures:

-History of German Culture;

-Introduction to German Philosophy;

-Comparative study of Chinese and German Languages and Cultures;

-Latin and Modern Western Languages

-Overview of Western Culture;

-Literary Critics of European and American Literature.
