
LU Xiaoyan, Associate Professor

Department of German, Faculty of Foreign Languages

Email: xy_lu@hotmail.com

Tel: 18071136718

Personal Profile:

Associate Professor and Master's Supervisor, Department of German. 1996 she graduated from the Wuhan University, majoring in German, then worked in the university as a teacher. 1997-1998 she furthered her professional training at the Goethe-Institut Beijing. 2002-2003 she studied at the Trier University und 2006 at the Heidelberg University, Germany. 2007 she graduated with a doctoral degree from the Shanghai International Studies University. From 2019 to 2021 she worked as the Chinese Director of the Confucius Institute Metropolis Ruhr in Germany. Her research interests are German literature and she teaches courses in German intensive reading, literary theory and analysis of German literary works. The main research results are the articles "The Magic Monster in the dark Kingdom: An Analysis of the Mythological Imagery in Grass's Dog Years", "Internet Culture Phenomenon in German Internet Language", "Die Anwendung von Phraseologismen in deutschen Werbeschlagzeilen" etc.
