
Curriculum Vitae

LIU Qingrong, Lecturer  

Email address: lucyliu06@126.com


PhD, English language and literature, Wuhan University (2013-2019)

MA, English language and literature, Wuhan University (1998-2001)

BA (second degree), International finance, Wuhan University (1995-1999)

BA, English language and literature, Wuhan University (1994-1998)

Work Experience

Lecturer, English Department (2004 till now)

Assistant professor, English Department (2001-2003)

Experience abroad

Received three-week teaching training at the Language Unit of Cambridge University (2019)

Visiting scholar to the English Department of Seton Hall University (U. S.) (2011-2012)

Teaching and research

Major courses taught: English Lexicology, English Rhetoric and Stylistics, Pragmatics

Research interest: Corpus linguistics, academic English, discourse analysis


2019: High-quality Humanities and Social Sciences Research Award of Wuhan University

2019: Instructor for the First Prize in the Hubei District of China Daily “21st Century Cup” National English Speaking Competition

2018: Outstanding Award for Wuhan University Excellent Teaching Research Articles of the Year 2017

2010: Instructor for the Champion in the Hubei District of China Daily “21st Century Cup” National English Speaking Competition

2010: 1st Prize in the Teaching Competition of Young Teachers, English Department, Wuhan University

2009: Instructor for the Runner-up in the Hubei District of China Daily “21st Century Cup” National English Speaking Competition

2006: 3rd Prize in Teaching Competition of Young Teachers, Wuhan University

2006: 1st Prize in the Teaching Competition of Young Teachers, Foreign Languages School of Wuhan University

2006: “Outstanding Teaching Achievement”, Wuhan University



Liu, Q. R., & Deng, L. M. (2019). Chinese MA student writers’ identity construction in citation practices. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics, 42 (3), 269-289. (ESCI)

Liu, Q. R., & Deng, L. M. (2018). A corpus-based study of sentence initial -ly adverbs in academic writing. In T. Wang (Ed.) Foreign Languages Experiment Teaching Research in the Context of Big Data (pp. 206-221). Wuhan: Wuhan University Press. (in Chinese)

Liu, Q. R., & Deng, L. M. (2017). A genre-based study of shell-noun use in the N-be-that construction in popular and professional science articles, English for Specific Purposes, 48, 32-43. (SSCI)

Liu, Q. R. (2015). Self-promotion in top economics research articles. International Journal of Liberal Arts and Social Science, 3(8), 25-34.

Liu, Q. R., & Li, D. L. (2010). Peer assistance in interactional repair by Chinese EFL students. HKBU Papers in Applied Language Studies, 14, 47-72.

Liu, Q. R. (2001). Corpora and lexicography. Journal of Shanghai Teachers University, 3, 109-112. (in Chinese)


Liu, S. P., Liu, Q. R., & Lin, L. (2006). The country of the maple leaf — Canada. Wuhan University Press.

Robertson, Korie et. al. Hugs for Pet Lovers. Liu Qingrong trans. (2009). Anhui: Anhui Science and Technology Press.

Roughley, Ian. Li Jinhua, Liu Qingrong, et al. (2009). Trans. Practical Apache Struts 2 Web 2.0 Projects. Beijing: Posts and Telecom Press.

Li, D. L., Liu, Q. R., & Zhang, D. Y. (2012). A practical guide to English story writing and appreciation. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press.

Xiong, W, & Liu, Q. R. (Eds.) (2014). Cultural mentalities of big countries (U.S. Volume). Wuhan: Wuhan University Press.

Deng, L. M., Chen, Q. J., Zhang, Y. Y., & Liu, Q. R. (2017). A study on the development of Chinese students’ stylistic competence. Beijing: Higher Education Press.

Li, D. L., Liu, Q. R., & Zhang, D. Y. (2018). A guide to English creative writing and appreciation. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press.


l Project leader. 2019. Hubei Provincial Department of Education: Chinese English-majors’ citation practices in MA thesis writing (19G002)

l Project leader. 2012. Research Project Funded by Wuhan University: Reader Response Theory and English Major Teaching.  

l Investigator. 2020. Hubei Provincial Teaching Research Project: Academic Development of Foreign Language Major Students Recommended for Admission (2020027)

l Investigator. 2020. Wuhan University Postgraduate Top-quality Course: Theory and Methods of Language Research(ZD-3)

l Investigator. 2019. Project Funded by China Ministry of Education: Mediation in College Students’ EFL Learning from a Sociocultural Perspective (19YJA740025).

l Investigator. 2017. National Project Funded by National Social Science Foundation of China: A Genre-based Study of the Dynamic Interdiscursive System in Chinese and English Professional Discourse (17BYY033)

l Investigator. 2014. “The Twelfth Five-Year” Project of Hubei Provincial Education Science: The Feedback of College Foreign Languages Education Policy and Bilingual Education Reform (2014B004)

l Investigator. 2013. Hubei Provincial Higher Education Teaching Research Project: English Phonetic Teaching Reform and Practice from the Perspective of English Globalization (2013038)

l Investigator. 2010. National Project Funded by National Social Science Foundation of China: A Study on Chinese Students’ Generic Competence (10BYY088)
