

Dr. ZHANG Yanyan 

Professor, PhD Supervisor

Address: English Department, College of Foreign Languages and Literature, Wuhan University, Luojia Hill, Wuhan, Hubei Province, P.R. China. (430072)

E-mail: lucyzhangyy@163.com

Academic Qualifications

2013~2014: Academic Visitor, University of Southampton

2008, Ph.D., in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Hong Kong Baptist University

2003~2004: Visiting Research Scholar, Hong Kong Baptist University

2003, M.A., in English Language and Literature, Central South University

2001, B.A., in English, Central South University

Fields of Specialization

Second Language Acquisition, Applied Linguistics, World Englishes, etc.

Courses Taught

B.A. Courses: Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, World Englishes, English Pronunciation and Intonation, etc.

M.A. Courses: Applied Linguistics, Studies of Varieties of English, etc.

Ph.D. Course: Special Topics in World Englishes

Working Experience

2008~Present: teacher at the English Department of Wuhan University;

2003~2004: Visiting Research Scholar at the Language Centre of Hong Kong Baptist University


Zhang Yanyan, 2019,An investigation of Chinese EFL learners’ perceived comprehensibility of nine English accents, Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 23(2).

Zhang Yanyan & Du Xingkun, 2018,Chinese university students’ and teachers’ perceptions of and attitudes towards ELF, Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 22(2).

Zheng Ying & Zhang Yanyan. 2017. Aptis in China: exploring test-taker perceptions of its test validity and practicality. (ARAGs Research Reports Online). Manchester: British Council.

Zheng Ying, Zhang Yanyan & Yan Youyang. 2016. Investigating the practice of The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) outside Europe: a case study on the assessment of writing in English in China. (ELT Research Papers; No. 16.01). London, GB: British Council.

Zhang Yanyan & Xiao Jing. 2014. An analysis of Chinese students’ perception and production of paired English fricatives: From an ELF perspective. Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 18 (1).

Zhang Yanyan. 2014. A contrastive analysis of the lexical features of Singaporean English and Hong Kong English. Journal of Wuhan University (The Humanities Edition), (2).

Deng Liming, Chen Qiujin & Zhang Yanyan, 2014, Developing Chinese EFL Learners’ Generic Competence: A Genre-based & Process Approach. Springer.

Zhang Yanyan. 2013. Investigating Mainland Chinese students’ and teachers’ concepts of successful bilinguals in Asia. Information Communication Technology Practice & Research 2012,115-126.

Zhang Yanyan. 2013. An analysis of French English. France Studies, (2).

Zhang Yanyan. 2012. A study of English writing and domain-specific motivation and self-efficacy of Chinese EFL learners. Journal of the Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 16(2).

Zhang Yanyan. 2011. A study of the acquisition of linking by Chinese EFL learners, HKBU Papers in Applied Language Studies, (15).

Zhang Yanyan. 2011. An investigation of the use of linking by Chinese EFL learners. Proceedings of the 16th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 134-139.

Zhang Yanyan. 2010. A Study of the Acquisition of BE in Chinese-English Interlanguage, Wuhan: Wuhan University Press.

Zhang Yanyan. 2010. Omission of BE in English interlanguage and the “Aspect Hypothesis”. Foreign Language Teaching and Research, (2), 117-124.

Zhang Yanyan. 2010. Investigating the role of metacognitive knowledge in English writing,HKBU Papers in Applied Language Studies,(14), 25-46.
