

Basic Information

LIU Junping (刘军平)

Professor,Department of Translation & Intercultural Studies,School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Director, Center for Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies, School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Wuhan University

Email: junpingharvard@sina.com

Educational Qualifications

Ph. D. in Philosophy, Wuhan University

Post-doc, Yale University

M. A. in English Language and Literature, Wuhan University

Fields of Research

Translation Theory

Literary Translation

Translation and Hermeneutics

Philosophical Approach to Translation

Comparative Cultural Studies

Overseas Research Experience

1. Fulbright Research Scholar, English Department, Yale University,USA, August 2005—August 2006.

2. Visiting Scholar, English Department, Faculty of Arts, Harvard University, USA, September 1998 Through December 2000.

3. Tin Ka Ping Foundation Visiting Scholar, Translation Program, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2017.

Visiting and Guest Professorship

1.Academic Adviser for Translatology Program at Guangdong Foreign Studies University(广东外语外贸大学翻译学科咨询专家),May 2019-May 2022.

2.“Rainbow Scholar” (彩虹学者), Hubei University of Science and Technology(湖北科技学院), December 2012—December 2015, October 2016—2019.

3. Distinguished Professor, Wuhan Business University(武汉商学院), December 2015 —November 2016.

4. Guest Professor, Wuhan Institute of Technology(武汉工程大学), November 2013 —October 2016.

5. Guest Professor, Wuchang University of Technology(武昌理工学院),October 2015 —December 2017.

6. Guest Professor, Wuchang Institute of Technology(武昌工学院), Wuhan, October 2014 —September 2017.

7. Distinguished Professor, South- Central University for Nationalities(中南民族大学), September 2013 —August 2015.

8. Guest Professor, Huanggang Normal University(黄冈师范学院), September 2013 —September 2016.

9. MTI Supervisor, School of Foreign Languages, Xinjiang University(新疆大学), September 2012 —July 2014.

10. Guest Professor, Hubei University of Education(湖北第二师范学院), December 2011— December 2014.

11. Adjunct Professor, Hubei University(湖北大学), June 2010 —May 2013.

12. Guest Professor, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law(中南政法财经大学), September 2009 — July 2011

13. Guest Professor, Hubei University for Nationalities(湖北民族大学), May 2008 —May 2010.

14. Guest Professor, Donghu University(东湖学院),November 2021-2025.

Professional Service and Committee Membership

1.StandingCouncil Member, Chinese Translators Association(中国翻译协会常务理事), April 2022—April 2026

2.Vice Director, Translation Theory and Translation Teaching Committee of Translators Association of China(中国译协翻译理论与翻译教学委员会副主任)

3.. President, Hubei Translators Association 2016-Present


4. Member, International Discourse System Research Committee of Translators Association of China(中国翻译协会对外话语体系研究委员会委员)

5. Member, Editorial Board of Journal of Translation History(《翻译史论丛》编委

6. Executive Council Member, China Association for Comparative Studies of English and Chinese,CACSEC(中国英汉语比较研究会常务理事)

7.Expert Member, UN Languages Professional Training Program(联合国语言人才培训体系专家委员会成员)

8. President, Translation Theory and Pedagogy Association of Education of Higher Learning in Hubei (湖北省高等学校翻译理论与教学研究会会长)

9. Member, English Expert Committee of China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters(全国翻译专业资格<水平>考试英语专家委员会委员)

10. Member, Language Service Competence Assessment and Training Committee of TAC,LSCAT(中国翻译协会翻译执业能力培训与评估专家委员会委员)

11. Committee Member, China National Committee for BTI Education Under Ministry of Education(教育部高等学校翻译本科专业教学协作组) 2010-Present

12. Reviewer, Chinese Fund for Humanities and Social Sciences of National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences (国家社科基金中华学术外译项目评审专家)

13. .The World of English, Editorial Board, (《英语世界》编委) 2021— Present

14. Academic Adviser, World Interpreter and Translator Training Association(WITTA,世界翻译教育联盟学术委员会委员) 2021—Present

Recent Courses Taught


A Critical Appreciation of the Translations by Famous Translators

Introduction to Translation History

Graduates (M Phil. MA.) Ph. D.)

Translation and Culture

Frontiers of Translation Literature

Hermeneutics and Translation

Deconstruction, Feminist Approaches to Translation

Selected Readings in Western Translation Theory


Associate Dean, School of Foreign Languages andLiterature, Wuhan University, 2009—2017.

Associate Dean, Department of English, 糖心vlog官网, 2001— 2009.

Director, American Culture Center, Ohio State University-Wuhan University. 2010-

External Examiner/ cum ExternalAssessor of AcademicEvaluations

Humanities and Social Sciences Project,National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences of China.

China Academic DegreesManagementandPostgraduate Education Office

Humanities and Social Sciences Project, Ministry of Education of China.

Hubei Academic Degrees and Graduation Education Office

Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Hubei Province

Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Jiangsu Province

Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Hunan Province

Macau University

Hong KongBaptist University

Macau Polytechnic Institute

Fudan University

Zhejiang University

Shanghai JiaotongUniversity

Beijing Foreign Studies University

Shanghai Foreign Studies University

Guangdong Foreign Studies University

Sichuan University

Huazhong Normal University

Nankai University

Taylor & Francis of Routledge

Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy

Journal ofWuhan University( Humanities Edition)

Recent Courses Taught


A Critical Appreciation ofthe Translations by Famous Translators

Introduction to Translation History

Selected Readings in Shakespeare’ s Plays

Graduates (M Phil. MA. Ph. D.)

Translation and Culture

Frontiers of Translation Literature

Hermeneutics and Translation

Deconstruction, Feminist Approaches to Translation

Selected Readings in Western Translation Theory

Research Grants

1. PI.(主持)Grant Title: The Reform and Innovation of the Training Model for Translation Teachers Competence in the New Era (《新时代翻译教师专业能力培养模式改革与创新》),项目号2021HB0464,外教社全国高校外语教学科研项目,2021-2023.

Co-I (项目参与者). Grant Title: Modern Chinese Indirect Research in Light of Complex Inbetweenness(《复合间性视域下的中国近代间性翻译研究》,项目号19BYY119,国家社科基金项目,2019-2023.

2.PI.(主持)Grant Title: The Overall Reform and Innovation Model for Fostering the Professional Competence of Translation Specialty Teachers (主持《翻译专业教师专业能力培养模式立体化改革与创新》), Funded by Shanghai Foreign Language Educational Press, To Be Completed in 2018.

3. PI.(主持)Grant Title: An Investigation into Translating Public Signs from Chinese into English in Hubei Province, Funded by Social Sciences Foundation of Hubei Province(主持湖北省社会科学基金项目《荆楚地区公示语汉译英研究》), Project Code: 2016142,Completed in 2017.

4. Co-I (项目参与者). Grant Title: Research on the Test Reliability of MTI Entrance Examination (参与全国翻译专业学位研究生教育指导委员会项目《MTI入学考试构念效度研究》)(Principal Investigator: Prof. Huang Min of Wuhan University), Funded by China National Committee for Translation and Interpreting Education, Project Code: MTIJZW201527, Completed in 2016.

5. PI.(主持)Grant Title: The Training Model and Innovation Research for the Talents of Translation Programme(武汉大学《翻译专业人才培养模式与创新研究》) Funded by Wuhan University,Project Code: 2015JG-04,Completed in 2016.

6. PI. (主持) Grant Title: The Culture Mentality ofMajor Powers(《大国文化心态》), Funded by Wuhan University, Project Code: 274114, Completed in 2015 with the Publication of 7 Series of Books by Wuhan University Press.

7. PI.(主持)Grant Title: The Translation of Public Signs and Tourists Sites in Hubei Province(湖北省外事侨务办公室《湖北省公示语、旅游景点翻译》),Funded by Foreign Affairs Office of Hubei Province, Project Code: 201206001, Completed in 2014.

8. PI.(主持)Grant Title: A Research into Translation Theory(《翻译理论研究》),Funded by Wuhan University, Project Code: 274116, Completed in 2013.

9. PI. (主持) Grant Title: A Philosophical Approach Towards Translatology(湖北省社会科学基金目《翻译学研究的哲学方法》), Funded by Social Sciences Foundation of Hubei Province, Project Code:102-162411, Completed in 2010.

10. PI. (主持) Grant Title: Translation Textbooks Development and Syllabus Reform for English Majors(湖北省教育厅项目《英语专业翻译方向教材建设及课程设置改革》),Funded by Bureau of Education of Hubei Province,Project Code:102-162411,Completed in 2010.

11. PI.(主持)Grant Title: A Cognitive Perspective to Translating Chinese Poetry into English(《认知视野中的汉诗英译研究》),Funded by Wuhan University,,Project Code:274115, Completed in 2009.

12. PI.(主持)Grant Title: Inventing China: Ezra Pound’s Poetry Translation and His Orientalism (中美富布莱特项目《发现中国:庞德的诗歌翻译与东方主义》), Funded by The J. Williams Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board and The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State,Completed in 2006.

Honors & Awards

1. The Third Prize Award forA General History of Western Translation Theory(《西方翻译理论通史》), The Sixth Research Excellence Prize for Humanities and Social Sciences in Higher Education by Ministry of Education, China,(中国教育部第六届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)著作类三等奖,April 2013.

2. The Second Prize Award forAn Outline of Translatology (《翻译学概论》,许钧、穆雷主编,王克非、许钧、刘军平、刘云虹、林克难、郑海凌、谭载喜、廖七一、穆雷连袂编着,南京:译林出版社2009年出版), The Sixth Research Excellence Prize for Humanities and Social Sciences in Higher Education by Ministry of Education, China,(中国教育部第六届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)著作类二等奖, April 2013.

3. First Prize forIntegrated Competence of English Interpreting(《英语口译综合能力》),

The Eighth Outstanding Academic Achievements Prize of Translators Association of Hubei(获第八届湖北省翻译工作者协会优秀学术成果奖一等奖<教材类>), January 2018.

4. First Prize for “Research on Yeh Chun Chan’s Translation Thought”(Series Paper)(《叶君健翻译思想研究》系列论文), The Sixth Outstanding Academic Achievements Prize of Translators Association of Hubei(获第六届湖北省翻译工作者协会优秀学术成果奖一等奖(论文类)), January 2016.

5. The Seventh President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Teaching of Wuhan University(武汉大学第七届杰出教学贡献校长奖),(Team Prize, On a University Wide Basis), June 2015

6. “The Best Mentor on Campus”(“我心目中的好导师”),“The Fifth Best Mentor on Campus”, Chosen by the Students of Wuhan University(武汉大学第五届“我心目中的好导师”),December 2014(On a University Wide Basis).

7. “Top Ten Middle -Aged and Young Career Translators of Hubei Province"(湖北省十大中青年翻译家), Translators Association of Hubei,October 2014.

8.ChinaNational Baogang Excellent Teaching Award(宝钢教育基金优秀教师奖), Baogang Educational Funding, the Funding is under the Auspices of Ministry of Education in China, Baogang Iron and Steel Group and Ministry of Civil Affairs(宝钢教育基金,国家教育部、民政部), November 2014.

9. First Prize forAnthology of Western Translation Theory(《西方翻译理论名著选读》), The Second Outstanding Academic Achievements Prize of Translators Association of Hubei(获第二届湖北省翻译工作者协会优秀学术成果奖一等奖<著作类>), January 2013.

10. The Second Prize Award forA General History of Western Translation Theory(《西方翻译理论通史》), The Twelfth Humanities and Social Sciences Outstanding Achievements Prize of Wuhan University,( 武汉大学第十二届人文社会科学优秀成果二等奖), March 2012.

11. The Second Prize Award forA General History of Western Translation Theory(《西方翻译理论通史》), The Second Excellent Book Award Sponsored by the Association of Chinese University Presses, Under the Guidance of Ministry of Education(荣获中国大学出版社协会主办的中国大学出版社第二届优秀图书奖二等奖,中国大学出版社优秀图书奖是由中国教育部指导、中国大学出版社协会设置的,是高等教育图书出版的最高奖项), December 2011.

12. TheFirst Prize Award forA General History of Western Translation Theory(《西方翻译理论通史》), the First Outstanding Academic Achievements Prize of Translators Association of Hubei(获首届湖北省翻译工作者协会优秀学术成果奖一等奖(著作类)),December 2010.

13. Special Prize for the Paper “Classical Chinese Philosophical Allegories and Their Hermeneutic Significance for Translation Studies” (《中国古典哲学寓言及其翻译学意义诠释》论文荣获特别奖),“The Symposium of Third Central South China Six Provinces and Municipalities on Translation Theory and Teaching”(第三届中南六省区翻译理论与翻译教学研讨会),Guangzhou, September 2010.

14. Outstanding Teacher Award of Wuhan University(武汉大学优秀教师), Wuhan University, 2009.

15. Second Prize for the Paper “Beyond Postmodern ‘Other’: The Tension and Vitality of Translation Studies”, Chinese Translators Journal, (超越后现代的“他者”:翻译研究的张力与活力”,载《中国翻译》), The Excellent Teaching Research Paper Prize by Wuhan University (武汉大学优秀教学研究论文奖), 2004.

16. Second Prized for the Paper “Towards an East West Discourse on Feminist Translation Studies”,Chinese Translators Journal, (“女性主义翻译理论研究的中西话语”载《中国翻译》), The Excellent Teaching Research Paper Prize by Wuhan University (武汉大学优秀教学研究论文奖),2004.

17. Second Prize for the Paper “ The Evolution ofTianxia and Its Philosophical Implications” ,Literature, History and Philosophy(“‘天下’宇宙观的衍变及其哲学意蕴”,载《文史哲》), The Excellent Teaching Research Paper Prize by Wuhan University(武汉大学优秀教学研究论文奖), 2004.

18. Excellent Graduate Students Supervisor Award, Wuhan University(武汉大学优秀研究生指导教师), 2003.

19. Outstanding Teacher Award of Wuhan University(武汉大学优秀教师), Wuhan University, 2003.

20. Second PrizeWinneroftheTeaching Contest for Younger Teachers at the University Level(校青年教师教学竞赛二等奖),Wuhan University, 1996.


Books( Monographs, Compilations)

1. Monograph,A General History of Western Translation Theory(《西方翻译理论通史》( Second Edition) ,Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2019,611 pp.

2. Chief Compiler,Integrated Competence of English Interpreting for Designated Textbooks of China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters—CATTI(全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试指定教材),国家人力资源部及外文局,Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2017, 352pp.

3. Chief Compiler, Integrated Competence of English Interpreting with Matched Exercises for Designated Textbooks of China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters—CATTI (全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试指定教材),国家人力资源部及外文局,Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2017, 304 pp.

4.Chief Compiler,Super English Vocabulary Practice, Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2016, 875 pp.

5. Executive Chief Editor(With Pan Wenguo as Chief Editor),The Tenth Series of English-Chinese Comparative Study and Translation, (《英汉语比较与翻译》<10>执行主编), Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language and Education Press, 2014, 680. pp.

6. Associate General Editor,Cultural Mentalities of Big Powers (《大国文化心态》副主编,(美国卷 252pp, 英国卷 160 pp,德国卷 252pp, 法国卷 294pp, 俄罗斯卷334pp,加拿大卷 258 pp), A Series of Six Volumes, Wuhan: Wuhan University, 2014.

7. Chief Editor, A Series of 20 Textbooks for Master of Translation and Interpreting (MTI) Students in Education of Higher Learning in China(《高等学校翻译专业硕士(MTI)系列教材》20部系列丛书总主编), 2012-2015.

8. Chief Compiler,Chinese Writing and Encyclopedia Knowledge(《汉语写作与百科知识》主编),Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2012, 646 pp.

9. Chief Compiler,Anthology of Western Translation Theory(《西方翻译理论名著选读》,刘军平、覃江华主编), Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2012, 919 pp.

10. Monograph,A General History of Western Translation Theory(《西方翻译理论通史》,专著) ,Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2009, 579 pp.

11. Monograph,The Watchdog of Chinese Tradition: An Investigation into Zhang Dainian’s Philosophical Thought(《传统的守望者——张岱年哲学思想研究》,专著),Beijing: People’s Press, 2007,558 pp.

12. Editor, With Luo Xuanmin as Chief Editor,Cultural Criticism and Translation Studies (罗选民主编《文化批评与翻译研究》), Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2005, 340 pp

13. Editor, With Luo Xuanmin as Chief Editor,Language, Cognition and Translation Studies (罗选民主编《语言认知与翻译研究》), Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2005, 387 pp

14. Annotation,The Merchant of Venice in Translation and Annotation. a Series of Shakespeare’s Plays(《威尼斯商人》朱生豪译,刘军平注),Wuhan: Hubei Education Press,1998,182pp.


15.Oprah Winfrey : A Biographyby Helen S. Garson (译著《奥普拉传》) Wuhan: Yangtze Arts Publishing House(长江文艺出版社), 2015,215 pp.

16.Bruce Lee: Artist of Lifeby John Little(译著《李小龙——生活的艺术家》), Beijing: Beijing Lianhe Publishing House(北京联合出版社公司出版), 174 pp ;Hong Kong: Sanlian Book Store(香港三联书店),2013; Mingbao(香港《明报》连载译文) Appeared in Series, 2011; Haikou: Nanhai Publishing House(南海出版公司), 2008, 268.pp.

17.The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror 2006 by Jeffrey Ford, Barbara Roden et al.(译著《世界惊悚小说精选》<幽兰版>), Wuhan: Wuhan Yangtze Publishing Group, 2008, 187 pp.

18. The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror 2006 by Jeffrey Ford, Barbara Roden et al., Wuhan: Wuhan Yangtze Publishing Group, 2008, 180 pp.

19.The Bedside Companion to Shakespeare by Dick Riley & Pam MacAllister(译著《开演莎士比亚》), Guangzhou: Jinan University Press(暨南大学出版社), 2005, 378pp.

20. The Bedside Companion to Sherlock Holmes by Dick Riley & Pam MacAllister(译著《侦探福尔摩斯》), Guangzhou: Jinan University Press(暨南大学出版社), 2005, 312pp.

21. The Bedside Companion to Agatha Christie by Dick Riley & Pam MacAllister(译著《推理克里斯蒂》), Guangzhou: Jinan University Press(暨南大学出版社), 2005, 505 pp.

22.New Versions of Old Gems (One Hundred Tang Dynasty Poetry Translated into English by Liu Junping)(《新译唐诗英韵百首》),Beijing: China Book Company(中华书局),2002, 142.pp.

Book Chapters

23. Introduction, Reception and Reflection of Foreign Translation Theories in China(“外国译论的引进与反思”,载许钧主编《改革开放以来我国翻译研究概论》),Hubei Education Press,2018,pp.132-171.

24. Noted Foreign Language Scholars in Reform and Opening Up(《往事历历四十年回眸:知名外语学者与改革开放》) , Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2018,pp143-162.

25. Xu Yuanchong(1921---), in Translators Throughout Chinese History, Editor in Chief by Fang Mengzhi and Zhuang Zhixiang, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press (许渊冲 1921---),2017, pp694-733.

26. “Translation and Schools of Translation Theories”(“翻译与翻译理论流派”) in Diao Keli eds.Introduction to the Research Method of Translation Studies (刁克利主编《翻译学研究方法导论》), Tianjin: Nankai University Press(南开大学出版社), 2012, 41-67 pp.

27. “An Outline of Western Translation Theory”(“西方翻译理论概述”) in Guo Zhuzhang, Li Qingsheng, Liu Junping, Guo Lijun eds.A Practical Course in Translation Between English and Chinese(郭著章、李庆生、刘军平、郭丽君编著《英汉互译实用教程》), Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2010, 318-361 pp.

28.Philosophy and Translation Studies(哲学与翻译研究) in Xu Jun & Mu Lei eds.An Outline of Translatology(《翻译学概论》), Nanjing: Yilin Press,2009, 162-209 pp.

29. “Lin Yutang”(“林语堂”), in Huang Guiyou eds.The Greenwood Encyclopedia ofAsian American Literature,WestportConnecticut and London: Greenwood Publishing, 2009, 641-644 pp.

30. “An Appreciation of the Classical Chinese Poetry Translated by Xu Yuanchong in Guo Zhuzhang eds.Studies in Translation Masters (郭著章编著《翻译名家研究》), Wuhan: Hubei Education Press, 1999, 442-463 pp.

Refereed JournalArticles

31. RevisitingAfter the Babel: On George Steiner’s Hermeneutic Approach to Translation(妙极语言之机神,思合翻译之符契:再论《巴别塔之后:语言与翻译面面观》), by Yi Xiang & Liu Junping,Chinese Translators Journal(《中国翻译》) ,No.2,2022,83-89pp . CSSCI Journal.

32. The Three Philosophical Functions of Eco-Translatology(《生态翻译学三大哲学价值功能》) by Liu Junping,Shanghai Journal of Translators(《上海翻译》),No.1,2022,1-8pp . CSSCI Journal.

33. The Recreation of the Original inYe Junjian’s Translation Thought: With Special Reference to His English Rendition of Mao Dun’s Three Seasons Trilogyas an Exemplar”(《叶君健“精品再创造”翻译思想阐释:以茅盾‘农村三部曲’英译为例》)by Li Yi & Liu Junping,Journal of Xian International Studies University(《西安外国语大学学报》), No.3,2021,98-103pp . CSSCI Journal.

34. Research on the Methods of Raising Intercultural Communication Capacities Based on Cultural Hiatus Theory(《基于文化场域的跨文化传播能力提升路径研究》), by Li Yi & Liu Junping,Learning and Practicum (《学习与实践》),2021年第3期, No.3, 2021,125-131 pp ,CSSCI Journal.

35. Moving Boundaries of Translation Studies, by Huang Wenjun & Junping Liu,Across Languages and Cultures, No. 2, 2021. 268-275 pp. A&HCI Journal

36. “Doing Translation” VS“Observing Translation”: In Search of an Epistemological Paradigm and Potential Paths for Developing a School of Chinese Translation Studies(《探索翻译学中国学派的知识范型与可行路径) ,by Liu Junping, Chinese Translators Journal (《中国翻译》),No.4, 2020, 23-31pp . CSSCI Journal.

37.Translators Subjectivity In Light of Foreignizing Strategy—Taking the English Lexica Translation ofLenins Kisses as Case Study (《异化策略视域下译者主体性研究:以<受活>英译词汇为例》), byLv Zhaofang & Liu Junping, Journal of Xian International Studies University(《西安外国语大学学报》),No.1,2019, 88-90pp . CSSCI Journal.

38. A Critical Comment on the English Version ofThe Legend of Candor Heroes in Overseas (《小议<射雕英雄传>英译本的海外热销》), by Wu Yuefan & Liu Junping, View On Publishing(《出版广角》),No.14,2019, 88-90pp . CSSCI Journal.

39. A Milestone in the Research of Contemporary Chinese Translation Theory(《中国当代翻译学理论研究的力作》), by Lin Xia & Liu Junping,,Chinese Translators Journal (《中国翻译》), No.4,2018, 56-60pp . CSSCI Journal.

40.On Methods of Restitution in Translating Poetry: Taking Six Pieces of Du Fu’s Poetry as Examples (《杜甫诗“三吏三别”英译补偿的四个维度》),by Zang Zhen & Liu Junping, inJournal of Xi’an International Studies University(《西安外国语大学学报》),No. 1, 2018, 94-98 pp. CSSCI Journal.

41. A Bibliometric Analysis of the Researches on Accreditation Examinations for Interpreters in China(《国内口译资格考试研究的文献计量分析》),by Huang Min & Liu Junping, inJournal of PLA University of Foreign Languages (《解放军外国语学院学报》),No. 5, 2017, 119-126 pp. CSSCI Journal.

42. Paratextual Studies in China ( 1986—2016) : A Scientometric Analysis by Using CiteSpace (《国内副文本研究三十年(1986-2016)基于CiteSpace的科学计量分析》),by Yin Yan & Liu Junping,inShanghai Journal of Translators (《上海翻译》), No. 4, 2017, 22-26 pp. CSSCI Journal.

43. A Research into the Evolution of Cultural and Public Space of Internet Translation(《互联网翻译“文化公共空间”的衍变研究》), by Yin Yan & Liu Junping, inChangbai Journal(《长白学刊》),No.2, 2017,140-150 pp. CSSCI Journal.

44.The 20-Year Development of China’s Translation and Interpreting Accreditation Examinations: Retrospect, Problems and Prospect (《中国翻译资格考试二十年:回顾、反思与展望》),by Huang Min and Liu Junping, inMedia in Foreign Languages Instruction(《外语电化教学》), No. 1, 2017, 49-54 pp. CSSCI Journal.

45. Double Crossing and Integrated Expression: A Cross-Cultural Interpreting on Gu Hongming’s Translation of Confucian Texts(《双重跨越与整体表达——辜鸿铭儒经英译的跨文化阐释》), by Liu Yongli & Liu Junping, inJournal of Xiangtan University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)(《湘潭大学学报》),No.2,2017,110-114 pp. CSSCI Journal.

46.An Assessment of MTI Students Translation Competence in the Age of Professionalization (《职业化时代MTI学生翻译能力的测评》), by Qin Fangfang & Liu Junping, inAcademic Forum(《学术论坛》), No. 1, 2017, 176-180 pp. CSSCI Journal.

47. Cultural Translation in Interlingual Writing as a Double-Voiced Dialogue: A Study on Cultural Translation from the Perspective of Bakhtin’s Dialogism (《语际书写中的文化翻译:一种“双声”的对话:巴赫金对话主义哲学关照下的文化翻译研究》),by Yin Yan & Liu Junping, inLanguage and Translation(《语言与翻译》),No.4, 2016,73-78 pp. CSSCI Journal.

48.An Interpretation of the Ethical Basis in the Online Translation Industry: A Study on Online Translation Ethics from the Perspective of Raymond’s Open-source Concept(《互联网翻译行业伦理基础解读——雷蒙德开源理念观照下的互联网翻译伦理研究》),by Yin Yan & Liu Junping, inJournal of Xi’an International Studies University(《西安外国语大学学报》),No. 3, 2016, 111-114 pp. CSSCI Journal.

49. The Age ofPost Yan Fu Discourse: Ye Junjian’s Contribution and Development of Yan Fu’s Translation Thought (《后严复话语时代:叶君健对严复思想的拓新》), inForeign Language and Their Teaching (《外语与外语教学》),No. 4, 2015, 69-74 pp.CSSCI Journal. (人大报刊复印数据 《语言文字学》,2016年第4期转载).

50.A Research into the Historical and Cultural Rationale of Schleiermacher’s’ Foreignizing Translation Method(《施莱尔马赫异化翻译策略之历史文化成因研究》),inJournal of Wuhan University(《武汉大学学报》),No.2, 2015, 70-76 pp. CSSCI Journal.

51. A Systematic Research into the Computer Assisted Course Design and Skill Training(《计算机辅助课程设置与技能体系研究》), by Huang Haiying and Liu Junping, inShanghai Journal of Translators (《上海翻译》),No.2, 2015,48-53 pp. CSSCI Journal.

52. A Study of Ye Junjian’s Translation Thought and Its Characteristics(《叶君健翻译思想及其特征探微》), by Liu, Junping & Luo Jing, inChinese Translators Journal. (《中国翻译》),No. 6,2014, 54-58 pp. CSSCI Journal.

53. An Analysis and Prospect of the Status Quo of Translation Journals in China(《我国翻译类学术期刊出版现状分析与展望》), by Qin Jianghua & Liu Junping, in China Publishing Journal (《中国出版》), No.19, 2014, 26-29 pp. CSSCI Journal.

54.Reflecting on the Translation and Publication ofCanadian Author Alice Munro’s Works in China(《艾丽斯门罗作品在中国的译介出版思考》),by Hu Lin & Liu Junping , in China Publishing Journal (《中国出版》), No. 18, 2014, 60-63 pp. CSSCI Journal.

55.An Analysis of Australian SinologistBonnie S. McDougall’s Literary Translation Thought(《澳大利亚汉学家杜博妮的文学翻译思想探析》),byQin Jianghua & Liu Junping, in Journal of Hubei University (《湖北大学学报》),No. 1, 2013, 132-135 pp. CSSCI Journal.

56. Thinking Through Translation: Philosophy Avenue to Translation Studies(《通过翻译而思:翻译研究的哲学途径》),inForeign Languages and Their Teaching(《外语教学与研究》) , No.2,2010,57-60 pp. CSSCI Journal.

57. Re-conceptualizing the Cognitive Map of Translation and Initiate the“Cognitive Turn” in Translation Studies(《重构翻译的认知图景,开创翻译研究的认知转向》), inJournal of Hubei University for Nationalities(《湖北民族学院学报》), in No.4, 2008,88-93pp; Recollected in Full Text inLinguistics and Philology(人大报刊数据《语言文字学》全文转载), No.12, 2008, 46-52 pp.

58. On the Four Aspects and Characteristics of the Translator’s Subjectivity from Multi-disciplinary Perspectives(《从跨学科的角度看译者主体性的四个维度及其特点》),inForeign Languages and Their Teaching (《外语与外语教学》),No. 8, 2008, 52-55 pp.CSSCI Journal.

59.The Arduous Journey Through Translating Classical Chinese Philosophical Text.(《艰难的文本旅行》),inChina Book Review(《中国图书评论》),No 5, 2008, 58-61 pp. CSSCI Journal.

60. Rethinking Justice: An East-West Approach to Understanding Filial Piety”(In English), Contemporary Chinese Thought, New York:M.E. Sharpe Publishing Limited Winter Issue. 2007, 74-86 pp. A&HCI Journal

61.The Evolution of Tianxia Cosmology and Its Philosophical Implications(In English), inFrontiers of Philosophy, Springer & Higher Education Press, No. 4, 2006, 1-22 pp.

62. State of the Field Report: Contemporary Chinese Study of Xiong Shili(熊十力)(In English), by Liu Junping & Qin Ping, inDao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy,Winter Issue, 2005, 159-172 pp. A&HCI Journal.

63. Towards East-West Discourse on Feminist Approaches in Translation Studies(《女性主义翻译理论研究中的中西话语》),inJournal of Chinese Translators (《中国翻译》),No.4,2004, 3-9 pp.CSSCI Journal.

64. The Evolution of Tianxia Cosmology and Its Philosophical Implications(《天下宇宙观的演变及其哲学意蕴》), inLiterature, History and Philosophy(《文史哲》), No. 4, 2005, 101-107. pp. CSSCI Journal.

65. Beyond the Other of Post Modernism: the Tension and Vitality in Translation Studies(《超越后现代的他者——翻译研究的张力与活力》), in Chinese Translators Journal. (《中国翻译》), No. 1,2004, 12-17 pp. CSSCI Journal.

66. An Analysis of Chinese Translation Studies: From the Point of View of the Philosophical Distinction Between Name and Reality and Between Speech and Meaning (从哲学的言意之辨看中国翻译》), inHumanities Review(《人文论丛》), No.1, 2003, 254-266 pp. CSSCI Journal. .

67.Intertextuality and Poetry Translation (《互文性与诗歌翻译》), inForeign Languages and Their Teaching (《外语与外语教学》), No. 1, 2003, 55-59pp. CSSCI Journal.

68. Translation Cannon and Literary Translation(《翻译经典与文学翻译》), inChinese TranslatorsJournal(《中国翻译》), No.4, 2002, 38-41 pp. CSSCI Journal.

69.An Investigation of College Students’ Text Memorization and Psychological Cognition.Foreign Languages and Their Teaching.( 《大学生语篇记忆心理认知浅析》) by Li Hui, Li Yang and Liu Junping, in Foreign Languages and Their Teaching (《外语与外语教学》), No. 2, 2002, 25-27 pp. CSSCI Journal.

70. A Deconstructive Approach to Translation Studies(《解构主义的翻译观》), inJournal of Foreign Languages(《外国语》),No.3, 1997,29-32 pp. CSSCI Journal.

71.Translation Science and Translation Studies as A Discipline(《翻译科学与翻译学科》),inJournal of Hunan Normal University(《湖南师范大学学报》),No. 3,1997, pp. 19-21pp. CSSCI Journal.

72.The Profile of a Translator:Xu Yuanchong(《莫道桑榆晚 飞霞尚满天——记著名翻译家许渊冲先生》),in Chinese Translators Journal(《中国翻译》) , No. 5, 1996, 32-35 pp. CSSCIJournal.

73. Comments on Two Chinese Versions of theUlysses (《<尤利西斯>两种译文的比较研究》), inChinese Translators Journal (《中国翻译》), No.3, 1996, 35-37 pp. CSSCI Journal.

74. The Founding of Modern Translation Studies: From Chomsky to Nida(《现代翻译的构筑——从乔姆斯基到奈达》),in Journal of Foreign Languages(《外国语》), No.2, 1996, 51-54 pp. CSSCI Journal.

75. More on Translating the Sentence Pattern: It’s a Wise Father that Knows His Own Child(《也谈It’s a Wise Father that Knows His Own Child句型的译法》), in Chinese Translators Journal(《中国翻译》), No. 4, 1995, 28-30 pp. CSSCIJournal.

76.The Profile of a Translator: Ji Xianlin(《纵化大浪里,不喜亦不惧—记著名翻译家、学者季羡林先生》),in Chinese Translators Journal(《中国翻译》) , No. 2, 1995, 33-35 pp.CSSCIJournal.

77. A Comparative Study of Two Chinese Versions of the GATT Documents (《关税贸易总协议两种译本的比较研究》),by Liu Junping & Xie Qian, in Chinese Translators Journal(《中国翻译》), No. 6, 1996, 31-33pp.CSSCIJournal.

78.The Profile of a Translator: Fang Ping (《莎剧翻译的不懈追求者---记莎剧翻译家方平》),inChinese Translators Journal(《中国翻译》), No. 5, 1993, 45-46 pp.CSSCIJournal.

79.A Comparative Study of Two Chinese Versions ofthe Merchant of Venice(《&濒迟;威尼斯商人&驳迟;两种译本的比较研究》), in Chinese Translators Journal(《中国翻译》), No. 5, 1991, 32-37 pp. CSSCIJournal.

80. On Mistranslation, Rewriting and Omission in the English Translation ofThe Sky Dwellers(当代小说外译中的误译、改写及删减——以《天行者》英译本为例), by Yi Xiang & Liu Junping, Foreign Languages and Translation.(《外语与翻译》),2021年第1期,No.1,2021, 1-8pp.

81. The Translator’s Resistance to the Imperial Colonial Order in the Context of Post Colonialism: An Interpretation of Interpreter’s Role in the Anti- Japanese War(《殖民语境下译员对帝国殖民秩序的抗阻:对抗日战争中翻译官角色的后殖民解读》), by Huang Min & Liu Junping,Translation Forum(《翻译论坛》), No. 1, 2018, 20-24 pp.

82. A Research into Water Benjamin’s Translation Theory from His Kabalistic Philosophy of Salvation(《从本雅明的卡巴拉救赎哲学看其翻译观》), by Lv Zhaofang & Liu Junping,Translation Forum(《翻译论坛》), No. 4, 2017, 15-20 pp.

83. Translators Through Chinese History: Xu Yuanchong—1921(“中国翻译家研究:许渊冲—1921”)inTranslators Through Chinese History (Contemporary Volume)( 《中国翻译家研究》(当代卷)), Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2017, 733-760 pp.

84. The Rewriting and Canonization of Andre Lefevere’s Theory in China: An Analysis with the Aid of Citespace(《“改写论”在中国的改写与经典化历程》), by Feng Lixia & Liu Junping, inEast Journal of Translation(《东方翻译》),No. 3, 2016,15-18 pp.

85.An Overview of 2016 Conference of China National Committee for BTI Education and the Twelfth Joint Conference of the Leaders of Translation and Interpretation Programs in China(《凝聚翻译专业理念 协同创新本科教育》), inEast Journal of Translation(《东方翻译》),No. 3, 2016, 94-95 pp.

86. Violence and Translation(《暴力与翻译》), by Lv Zhaofang $ Liu Junping, inJournal of Fuyang Normal University,(《阜阳师范学院学报》), No. 5, 2015, 48-51 pp.

87. Translation of “The Moon Over the River on a Spring Night” Based on the Principle of Three Beauties”(《三美原则视角下的英译<春江花月夜>》), by Lv Zhaofang & Liu Junping, inForeign Language and Literature (《外国语文》), No. 4, 2015, 91-95 pp.

88. A New Hermeneutic Approach to Translation Studies After the Visibility of the Translator: On Lawrence Venuti’sTranslation Changes Everything( ), by Hu Ling & Liu Junping, in Foreign Languages and Translation, No. 3, 2014, 71-76 pp.

89. The Way of Applied Translation: A Critical Reading of Pragmatic Translatology (《百艺致用 技进于道——读<应用翻译学>札记》), by Qin Jianghua & Liu Junping, inEducational Research on Foreign Languages and Arts(《外语艺术教育研究》), N0. 1, 2014, 26-30 pp.

90. An Hermeneutic Approach to Translation Studies from the Perspective of Zhuangzi’ Philosophical Allegories (庄子哲学寓言及其翻译学意义诠释), in The Tenth Series of English-Chinese Comparative Study and Translation, (《英汉语比较与翻译》<10>潘文国主编、刘军平执行主编), Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language and Education Press, 2014, 508-521. pp.

91. A Dynamic Follow-up Study of Contemporary Chinese Literary Translation Overseas(《海外现当代中国文学翻译的动态追踪研究》), inAnnual Development Report on the Overseas Humanities and Social Sciences(《海外人文社会科学年度发展报告》), Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2014, 281-304 pp.

92. A Lifelong Dedication to Interpreting Studies— In Memory of Israeli Scholar Miram Schlesinger(《译人已乘黄鹤去,师长风范永长流:记国际知名翻译理论家谢莱格森的翻译人生》),by Hu Ling & Liu Junping, inEast Journal of Translation(《东方翻译》),No. 6, 2013, 43-46 pp.

93. The Colorful Life of Han Suyin: The Renowned Writer Who Funded “Han Suyin Award for Young Translators”(《孤舟一系故园心 知音彩虹耀译界》),by Hu Ling & Liu Junping, inEast Journal of Translation(《东方翻译》),No. 2, 2013, 42-48 pp.

94.The Life and Translation Thought ofHoward Goldblatt. (《一心翻译梦,万古芳风流——葛浩文的翻译人生与翻译思想》)by Qin Jianghua & Liu Junping, inEast Journal of Translation(《东方翻译》),No. 6, 2012, 42-49 pp.

95.The Life and Translation Thought ofBonnie McDougall and Concurrently on Chinese Literary Translator and Reader.(《杜博妮的翻译人生与翻译思想:兼论西方当代中国文学的译者和读者》), by Qin Jianghua & Liu Junping, inEast Journal of Translation(《东方翻译》),No. 2, 2012, 49-58 pp.

96.The Geyi or Analogical Interpretation Paradigm Shift in Traditional Chinese Translation Theory and Its Modern Illumination(《中国传统译论中的“格义”范式转换及其现代阐释》), inTranslation and Intercultural Communication: Integration and Innovation (《翻译与跨文化交流:阐变与解读》论文集,第三届海峡“海峡两岸暨香港、澳门”(大陆、香港、澳门、台湾),台湾,翻译与跨文化交流研讨会), eds. by Hu Genshen, Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2011, 111-129 pp.

97.Shaping National Identity and Forging Chinese Character: On Yan Fu’s Translation Thought from the East-West Comparative Perspective(《塑造民族认同 锻造国民特性——从中西比较角度看严复的翻译文化思想》), in Journal of Comparative Philosophy and Comparative Culture(《比较哲学与比较文化论丛》),Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2011, 252-276 pp.

98.The Six Aspects and Characteristics of Derrida’s Deconstruction Translation Theory(《德里达解构主义翻译理论的六个维度及其特点》), inFrench Studies(Etudes Francaises,《法国研究》),No.3, 2009, 1-10. pp.

99. Rethinking Subjectivity and Intersubjectivity: From the Division of Subject and Object to Shared Perspective in Translation Studies (《再思翻译的主体性与主体间性——从主客二分到视角共享》), inTranslation and Intercultural Communication: Integration and Innovation,(《翻译与跨文化交流:阐变与解读》论文集,第三届海峡“海峡两岸暨香港、澳门”(大陆、香港、澳门、台湾),台湾,翻译与跨文化交流研讨会), eds. by Hu Genshen, Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2009, 132-146 pp.

100. The Retrospection of and Reflection on Translation Studies in China intheLast Three Decades Since the Opening UpandReform(《改革开放以来中国翻译研究的回顾与反思》),InSocialist Cultural Construction Research with Chinese Characteristics (《中国特色社会主义文化建设研究》), Wuhan : Wuhan University Press, 2008, 302-312pp.

101.Ezra Pound’s Orientalist Translation Practice: Froma Postcolonial Perspective, by Liu Junping & Liang Zhifang, in Wang Xiuzhen eds.A Forum Anthology: Selected Articles from the Cross-Culture Studies(《跨文化研究论坛》), Wuhan: Wuhan University Press,2006, 7-24 pp.

102.The Other in the Post-Colonial Theory and Cultural Identity(《后殖民理论视阈下的“他者”与文化身份认同》),in Tu Guoyuan eds. Foreign Languages, Translation and Culture(《外语·翻译·文化》),Changsha: Hunan People’s Press,2005, 319-328pp.

103. Postcolonial Translation Studies and Their Chinese Context(《后殖民翻译研究及其中国语境》), inForeign Languages and Translation(《外语与翻译》), No. 1, 2004, 39-46 pp.

104. The Ethic Motivation of Father-Son Mutual Concealment and Its Moral Rationale(《亲亲相隐的伦理依据及其道德诉求》),in Guo Qiyong eds. Anthology of Contention on Confucian Ethics (《儒家伦理争鸣集——以“亲亲互隐”为中心》),Wuhan: Hubei Education Press, 2004, 735-750 pp.

105.Power Discourse and Translation: The Change of Translation Strategies in Modern and Contemporary China.Foreign Language and Translation (《权利话语与翻译---中国近当代翻译策略的主题演变》), by LIU, Junping & Liang Zhifang, inForeign Languages and Translation(《外语与翻译》), No. 2, 2003, 36--40 pp.

106. A Study of the English Epistolary Style Translation(《英文书信体风格翻译研究》),Journal of Wuhan University(Supplement)(《武汉大学学报(人文科学版增刊)》,No. 6, 2002, 35-38 pp.

107.The Hermeneutic Reading and Recreation of Ancient Classical Chinese Poetry (《中国古典诗歌的解读与再创造》), in Yang Ping eds.Weaving Cultural Silk Road(《文化丝路织思》), Beijing: International Culture Publishing Company, 2001, 244-253pp.

108.On Mao Dun’s Literary Translation Thought(《茅盾文学翻译思想述论》), inAnthology of Foreign Language Teaching and Research(《外语教学研究论文集》), Wuhan: Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering Press, 1998, 322-334 pp.

109. On the Evolution and Characteristics of American English(《略论美国英语的衍变及其特征》),Journal of Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering(Social Science Edition)(武汉水利大学学报(哲学社会科学版)), No. 6, 1996, 323-326pp.

110.Ezra Pound’s Translation Thought(《庞德的翻译思想》) , inForeign Language and Translation (《外语与翻译》),No. 1, 1995, 9-11 pp.

111. The Course Syllabus Design of English Majors and Its Reform(《英语专业课程设置与改革面面观》),Higher Education Research(《高等教育研究》),No. 1, 1995, pp.

112.Teachers` Role: New Revelations in ELT(In English), inThe First International Symposium on Foreign Language Teaching Proceedings by Flemish Association for Development and Technical Assistance, Belgium(VVOB), Wuhan: Huazhong University of Sciences and Technology Press, 1994, 108-116 pp.

113.Some Major Problems In Teaching Reading Comprehension(In English), in Teaching and Testing(《大学外语教学与测试》), No 1,1993, 8-11 pp.

114. A Probe into the Developments of Western Translation Theory(《探析西方翻译理论的发展特征》), in Chinese Social Sciences (Overseas Edition) (《中国社会科学报》海外版),13th November , 2017.

115. The Value of Confucian Benevolence and the Universality of the Confucian Way of Extending Love, Authored by GUO Qiyong & Cui Tao, Trans. by Liu JunpingFrontiers of Philosophy in China, Springer, No.1, 2012, 21-54 pp.

116. International Symposium on Chinese Philosophy in Recent Thirty Years,Journal of Chinese Philosophy, No.1 p. A&HCI Journal.

117. The Expansion and Transcendence of Bamboo Slips Research Paradigm: On ReadingPolitical Philosophy Excavated from the Bamboo Slips(《简帛研究范式的拓展与超越——读《从简帛中挖掘出来的政治哲学》),Journal of Wuhan University(《武汉大学学报》), No. 4, 2011, 131-132 pp. CSSCI Journal.

118.A Teacher Can Be the Host and Teaching Should Be Student-Centered(《当好主持人,以学生为中心》), in21Century English Education Weekly《21世纪英语教育周刊》. September Issue, 2008.

119.Why the Translator Is So Careless and Reckless?( 《史上最牛译者究竟“牛”在何处?》) , in21Century English Education Weekly, May Issue, 2008.

120.Will Chinese Writers Just Be Around the Corner for Nobel Prize? (《中国作家获诺贝尔文学奖是否指日可待?》), in21Century English Education Weekly, April Issue, 2008.

121.The Beauty of Luojia(《美在珞珈》), Trans. by Liu Junping, Wuhan University, 2008.

122. Mou Zongsan's(牟宗山) View of Interpreting Confucianism by “Moral Autonomy”, Authored by Guo Qiyong, Trans. by Liu Junping, inFrontiers of Philosophy in China, Springer, No.3, 2007, 345-362pp

123. Is Confucian Ethics a “Consanguinism”?,Authored by Guo Qiyong, Trans. by Liu Junping, in Dao:A Journal Of Comparative Philosophy. Springer, No.1, 2007, 21-37 pp

124.My Fulbright Research Experience in the USA, Part I (《访学美国》上), inWuhan University Newspaper(《武汉大学报》), March 23, 2007.

125.My Fulbright Research Experience in the USA , Part I I(《访学美国》下), inWuhan University Newspaper(《武汉大学报》), Part II. March 16, 2007.

126. Can A Son Charge His Father: How Confucius and Plato Think of the Son’s Accusation of His Father(《儿子能指控父亲吗?——孔子与柏拉图是如何看待儿子指控父亲的行为》), byErwin Wickert, Trans. by Liu Junping, in Guo Qiyong eds. Anthology of Confucian Ethics Debate (《儒家伦理争鸣110.集——以“亲亲互隐”为中心》), Wuhan: Hubei Education Press, 2004, 768-776 pp.

127.Discourse Logic and Combination Logic:The Book of Changesas the Origin of Wang Chuanshan’s Thought(《话语逻辑与聚合逻辑--<周易>王船山思想的源泉》) inPhilosophical Review(《《哲学评论》),Authored by Jacques Gernet(谢和耐), Trans. byLiuJunping, No.1, 2003, 118-145pp. CSSCI Journal

Conference Organizer, Invited Lectures, Keynote Speaker and Other Academic and Professional Activities

[1]Organizer, Opening Speech, at High-LevelForumonInternational CommunicationandThe Fusion Between Education and Translation Industry at the New Era (新时代对外话语传播与影视翻译产教融合高层论坛), Organized byTranslators Association of Hubei Province, Wuhan University ofCommunications and Trans. Information Technology(湖北省翻译工作者协会,传神语联网网络科技股份有限公司), Which Attracted Twenty Seven Thousand (2.7万) Participants and Viewers On Line and Off Line,Wuhan,25 December, 2021.

[2]Invited Public Lecture, and Guest Professorship,“Re-conceptualizing the Cognitive Map and Looking to the Future Synergy between the Translator and AI”, and Concurrently conferred on Guest Professorship of the University, byWuhan DonghuUniversity(武汉东湖学院), Wuhan,5 November, 2021.

[3]Organizer, Opening Speech &Keynote Speaker, “Re-conceptualizing the Cognitive Map and Looking to the Future Synergy between the Translator and AI”, at16th Midwest China Symposium on Translation Theory and Pedagogy and the International Forum on Translation Studies(第十六届中西部地区翻译理论与教学研讨会, MCSTTP), Organized byWuhan University ofScience and Technology(武汉科技大学), Wuhan,22-23 October, 2021.

[4] Co-Organizer, Opening Speech,Keynote Speaker, “The Awareness of the Other in Translation and Cross Cultural Communication”, at the Third Forum on MTI Education Mission and Spread of Chinese Culture(新时代MTI教育的使命与中国文化传播学术论坛),Organized by Wuhan Textile University & Hubei Translators Association(武汉纺织大学、湖北译协), 25 September, 2021.

[5] Keynote Speaker,“Re-conceptualize the Cognitive Map and Initiate the‘Cognitive Turn’ in Translation Studies”, at The 7th International Conference on Cognitive Research on Translation and Interpreting(第七届翻译认知研究国际研讨会), Organized by School of Foreign Languages atWuhan University of Technology, China Center for Intercultural Mediation, Durham University, UK, Center for Studies of Translation, Interpreting & Cognition, University of Macao, China(武汉理工大学外语学院、英国杜伦大学跨文化研究中心、澳门大学翻译传译认知研究中心), 11-13 June 2021.

[6] Opening Address Speaker, at“Forum on Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters and Fostering Foreign Language Talents” (翻译资格认证考试与外语人才培养主题论坛),by Hubei Translators Association & School of Foreign Languages and Literature at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law(中南财经政法大学), 11 April, 2021.

[7] Opening Address Speaker, at The Founding of Medical Translation Committee at Hubei Translators Association and Concurrently Forum on Research on International Communication of Chinese Medicine(湖北省翻译工作者协会医学委员会成立大会暨湖北中医药大学医药国际传播研究学术研讨会), Hubei University of Chinese Medicine(湖北中医药大学), 27 May, 2021.

[8] Keynote Speaker, “Western Translation Theories in China: Present Status and Future Trends”(翻译研究前沿论坛),at “The Symposium on the Frontiers of Translation Studies”, Organized by Shanghai International Studies University(上海外国语大学), 30 March , 2021.

[9] Elected Second Term for President, First Session of the Eighth Congress of Hubei Translators Association(湖北省翻译工作者协会第八届一次会员代表大会), Hubei Translators Association, Donghu College(东湖学院), 28 March, 2021.

[10] Invited Lecture,“The Links between Translation Studies and Philosophical Studies”(翻译研究与哲学研究的关联性探究),Hubei Universiyt(湖北大学),8 December, 2020.

[11] Keynote Speaker,“Translation and The Other in Intercultural Communication Studies”, at the Forum on Intercultural Communication Studies,Organized by Media Development Research Center atWuhan University (A Key Research Base of Humanities and Social Sciences by Ministry of Education)(教育部人文社科重点研究基地武汉大学媒体发展研究中心), 4-5 December, 2020.

[12] Opening Speech &Keynote Speaker, “On Two Epistemological Type: Doing Translation and Observing Translation”, at the15th Midwest China Symposium on Translation Theory and Pedagogy and the International Forum on Translation Studies(第十五届中西部地区翻译理论与教学研讨会, MCSTTP), Organized byZhongnan University of Economics and Law(中南财经政法大学), Wuhan,27-28 November, 2020.

[13] Keynote Speaker, Co-Organizer, “How to Understand the Connotations of Foreign Languages and Literature Discipline and Its Assessment Parameters”, at Forum on MTI Education Mission andthe Spread of Chinese Culture(新时代MTI教育的使命与中国文化传播学术论坛),Organized by Wuhan Textile University & Hubei Translators Association(武汉纺织大学、湖北译协), 22 November, 2020.

[14] Keynote Speaker, “The Dilemma and Solutions for Translation Studies Discipline”, at The Fourth Forum on Theoretical Translation Studies and Translation Methodology (第四届理论翻译学及译学方法论高层论坛), Organized by School of Translation and Interpreting at Guangdong Foreign Studies University(广东外语外贸大学), 25 April, 2020.

[15] Organizer and Opening Speech,“The 10th Forum on Translation Theory and Teaching and Concurrently The Annual Meeting of Hubei Translators Association”(第十届湖北省翻译理论与教学研讨会暨2020年湖北省翻译协会年会), Organized HBT & IOL(Wuhan) Information Technology Co., Ltd. (湖北译协,传神语联网科技信息有限公司),18 January, 2020.

[16] Keynote Speaker, “Doing Translation VS Observing Translation: In Search of an Epistemological Paradigm and Potential Paths for Developing a Chinese School of Translation”, at Forum on Contemporary Translation Studies Frontiers(当代翻译研究前沿高峰论坛——中国翻译理论话语建构与传播学术研讨会), Organized byShanghai International Studies University(上海外国语大学), 16 January , 2020.

[17] Organizer, The Annual Meeting for Standing Council Members of Hubei Translators Association(湖北译协2019第二次常务理事会),Hubei Normal University(湖北师范大学),Huangshi(黄石),11 November 2019

[18] Keynote Speech, at Second Symposium on Twinslator Awakening Under the Theme of Embracing Future Technology, Organized by Trans.Network Information Technology(传神语联网网络科技有限公司) 11 December, 2019.

[19] Opening Speech, at Annual Forum on Translating Traditional Chinese Medicine, Organized by Translation Society of Chinese Medicine Association(中华中医药协会翻译分会), Hubei University of Chinese Medicine(湖北中医药大学), Wuhan, 14-16 Novernber,2019.

[20] Opening Speech, at Forum on the Globalization of Training Language Service Talents in the New Era and the Founding of Cooperation Alliance between Universities andEnterprises(新时代语言服务国际化人才培养论坛暨校企合作联盟成立大会), Wuhan, Hubei University of Economics(湖北经济学院),16 November, 2019.

[21] Chairman of the Organizing Committee, “The 26th Grand Translation Contest of Hubei Province”(湖北省第二十六届外语翻译大赛), Translators Association of Hubei(湖北省翻译工作者协会), Attracted 350,000Participantsin Total Number OverthePast Two Decades and Is Influential Throughout China,11-19November through28December, 2019

[22] Opening Speech &Keynote Speaker, “Constructing Contemporary Chinese Translation Paradigm from the Perspective of Traditional Chinese Esthetics”(构建中国特色翻译理论之美学特征与再现范畴) , at the14th Midwest China Symposium on Translation Theory and Pedagogy and the International Forum on Translation Studies” (第十五届中西部地区翻译理论与教学研讨会,MCSTTP), Organized byHubei Translators Association &Hubei University ofScience and Technology(湖北译协、华中科技大学), Wuhan,1 -3 November, 2019.

[23] Organizer and Concluding Speech, “2019 Forum on Audiovisual Translation in China”(2019全国影视翻译论坛), Organized byWuhan University of Communications(湖北译协、武汉传媒学院),15-16June 2019.

[24] Advisory Committee Meeting, “2019 China National Committee for BTI Education Under Ministry of Education and Concurrently theFifteenth National Joint Conference for Leaders of Translation Programme”(教育部高等学校翻译专业教学协作组2019年工作会议暨第十五届全国翻译院系负责人联席会议),The Chinese University of Hong Kong(Shenzhen )(香港中文大学(深圳),Shenzhen(深圳),11 May 2019.

[25] Keynote Speaker, “OBE-Based Translation Studies” at“Forum on Translation Studies Development: New Era, New Mission and New Prospects”(“新时代、新使命、新愿景”翻译学科发展论坛,被聘请为广大外语外贸大学翻译学科咨询专家),Organized by Guangdong Foreign Studies University(广大外语外贸大学), 14 April, 2019.

[26] Organizer, “Annual Symposium of HBT and The Ninth Forum on Translation Theory and Translation Teaching of Hubei”(湖北译协2019年年会暨第九届湖北省翻译理论与翻译教学研讨会), Organized by Hubei Translators Association, Wuhan, Huaxia University of Technology(武汉华夏理工学院) 31 March,2019.

[27] Chairman of the Organizing Committee, “The 25th Grand Translation Contest of Hubei Province”(湖北省第二十五届外语翻译大赛), Translators Association of Hubei(湖北省翻译工作者协会), Attracted 300,000Participantsin Total Number OverthePast Two Decades and Is Influential Throughout China, November through December, 2018.

[28] Invited Lecture,“Forty Decades of Open-Up: Western Translation Theories in China”,Wuhan College(武汉学院),13 December, 2018

[29] Opening Speech &Keynote Speaker, “Introduction and Absorption of Western Translation Theories in China in the Past Four Decades” , at13th Midwest China Symposium on Translation Theory and Pedagogy and the International Forum on Translation Studies” (第十三届中西部地区翻译理论与教学研讨会,MCSTTP), Organized byHubei Translators Association &Hubei University of Technology(湖北译协、武汉理工大学), Wuhan,20 -21 October, 2018..

[30] Advisory Committee Meeting, “2018 China National Committee for BTI Education Under Ministry of Education and Concurrently theFourteenth National Joint Conference for Leaders of Translation Programme”(教育部高等学校翻译专业教学协作组2018年工作会议暨第十四届全国翻译院系负责人联席会议),Sichuan International Studies University(四川外国语大学),Chongqing(重庆),18-19 May 2018.

[31] Sponsor & Organizer, Opening Speech, “The Eighth Translation Theory and Teaching Symposium of Hubei Province and Concurrently 2018 Annual Seminar of Translators Association of Hubei”, Translators Association of Hubei, Organized by Wuchang University of Technology(武昌理工学院), 13 January 2018.

[32] External Reviewer,Mock Research Assessment Exercise (Mock RAE) 2017 for Translation Program at Hong Kong Baptist University(香港浸会大学), 17 December through 21 December, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2017

[33] Invited Public Lecture, “The Way to Apply for the Chinese Fund for the Humanities and Social Sciences ”,Hubei University of Science and Technology(湖北科技学院), 14 December 2017.

[34] Invited Public Lecture, “The Evolution and Status Quo of Chinese Translation Development ”,Wuchang University of Technology(武昌理工学院), 8 December 2017.

[35]Organizer and Concluding Speech, “First International Conference on Early Childhood English Education Through Creative Arts”, Elected as President, International Alliance for Early Childhood English Education (IAECEE), Wuhan, Wuhan University of Communications(武汉传媒学院), 25-26 November 2017.

[36] Invited Public Lectures, Two Lectures,“The Mechanisms, Features and Challenges Facing Translating Chinese Academic Works” and “Intertexuality and Poetry Translation”, “Tin Ka Ping Foundation Visiting Scholar”(香港田家炳基金会内地访问学人计划), Translation Programme and Translation Center, Hong Kong Baptist University,Hong Kong,5-12 Nov. 2017.

[37] Chairman of the Organizing Committee, “The 24th Grand Translation Contest of Hubei Province”(湖北省第二十四届外语翻译大赛), Translators Association of Hubei(湖北省翻译工作者协会), 19000 College Students Participated in This Translation Contest which Attracted 300,000 People in Total Number Over the Past Two Decades and Is Influential Throughout China, November through December, 2017.

[38] Sponsor, Opening Speech, “The 12th Midwest China Symposium on Translation Theory and Pedagogy and the International Forum on Translation Studies (MCSTTP), Translators Association of Hubei, Hubei University of Economics(湖北经济学院),Wuhan, 20 -22 October, 2017.

[39] Keynote Speaker, “The Mechanism and Challenges Facing Translating Chinese Academic Works” at “The 12th Midwest China Symposium on Translation Theory and Pedagogy and the International Forum on Translation Studies” (MCSTTP), Organized by Hubei University of Economics(湖北经济学院), Wuhan, 20 -22 October, 2017.

[40] Organizer,Opening Speech,“2017 National Translation Technology and Management Workshop”, Jointly Organized by Translators Association of Hubei, Shanghai Languages Service Center for Cultural Trade, Graduate Institute for Interpreting and Translation, SISU, Huazhong University of Science and Technology(华中理工大学), Wuhan, 23 July-5 August 2017.

[41] Advisory Committee Meeting, “2017 China National Committee for BTI Education UndertheMinistry of Education and Concurrently the Thirteenth National Joint Conference for Leaders of Translation Programme”, City College of Lanzhou(兰州城市学院), Lanzhou(兰州), 2-4 June 2017.

[42] Founding Member, “Expert Committee on National Translation Programme Band 8 Test”, Gunagzhou International Studies University, Guangzhou. 4 July 2017.

[43] Assessor, Academic Reputation Evaluation for the PhD and MA Degree Programme of Foreign Languages and Literature in China(全国外国语语言文学一级学科博士及硕士点学科声誉评估), byChina Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development Center(教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心), May, 2017

[44] Organizer, Opening Speech, “First Exhibition on Translation Programmes of Central China”(首届华中地区翻译教育展), Jindun Hotel, Wuhan, 23 April 2017.

[45] Chairman, Evaluation Committee for Undergraduate Translation Programme at School of Foreign Languages, Wuhan University of Science and Technology(武汉科技大学), 19 April, 2017.

[46] Organizer, Opening Speech,“Hubei Provincial Contest of The Sixth All China Interpreting Contest”, Wuhan University, Wuhan, 15 April 2017/

[47] Chairman, Evaluation Committee for Undergraduate Translation Programme at School of Foreign Languages, Wuchang Institute of Technology, 9 April, 2017.

[48] Keynote Speech, “Philosophical Avenue Towards Translation Studies” at “New Perspectives in Translation Studies Symposium”, Macao Polytechnic Institute(澳门理工学院), Macao, 4-7 April, 2017.

[49] Review Expert, Office of Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council(国务院学位委员会办公室), Review New Applications for PhD and MA Degree Programme in Foreign Languages and Literature and MTI, March 2017.

[50] Review Expert, Office of Academic Degrees Committee of Hubei Provincial Government(湖北省学位委员会办公室), Review New Applications for PhD and MA Degree Programme in Foreign Languages and Literature and MTI as Well As Degree Programme for Chinese Language and Literature, March 2017.

[51] Sponsor, Opening Speech at “The Sixth Translation Theory and Teaching Symposium of Hubei Province and Concurrently 2018 Annual Seminar of Translators Association of Hubei”, Organized by Wuhan Institute of Engineering(武汉工程大学), 14 January 2017.

[52] Plenary Session Speaker, “The First High Level Symposium on International and Frontier Issues of Translatology”, Beijing Normal University(北京师范大学), Beijing, 17 December 2016.

[53] Invited Public Lecture, “The Age ofPost Yan Fu Discourse: Ye Junjian’s Contribution and Development of Yan Fu’s Translation Thought”,Huazhong Agricultural University(华中农业大学), Wuhan,8 December 2016.

[54] Invited Public Lecture, “The Age ofPost Yan Fu Discourse: Ye Junjian’s Contribution and Development of Yan Fu’s Translation Thought”, Hubei University of Science and Technology(湖北科技学院), Xianning(咸宁),2 December 2016.

[55] Invited Public Lecture, “J. Derrida’s Deconstruction and Translation”, Wuhan Business University(武汉商学院), Wuhan, December 1 2016.

[56] Invited Public Lecture, “Ye Junjian’s Translation Thought and Its Modern Revelation”, Wuchang University of Technology(武昌理工学院), 26 November 2016.

[57] Chairman of the Organizing Committee, “The 23nd Grand Translation Contest of Hubei Province”(湖北省第二十三届外语翻译大赛), Translators Association of Hubei(湖北省翻译工作者协会), 15,000 College Students Participated in This Translation Contest which Attracted 300,000 People in Total Over Two Decades and Is Influential Throughout China. November through December, 2016.

[58] Sponsor and Chairman of the Academic Committee, Open Speech ,“The 11th Midwest China Symposium on Translation Theory and Pedagogy and the International Forum on Translation Studies” (MCSTTP),Yangtze University(长江大学), Jingzhou(荆州), 14 -16 October 2016.

[59] Opening Speech, “The Symposium on Diversity in Australia Literature and Culture”, Australia Studies Center at Wuhan University, 17 September, 2016.

[60]Co-organizer,Opening Speech Presenter, “2017 National Translation Technology and Management Workshop”, Jointly Organized by Translators Association of Hubei, Shanghai Languages Service Center for Cultural Trade(上海文化贸易语言服务基地), Graduate Institute for Interpreting and Translation of Shanghai International Studies University(上海外国语大学高级翻译学院), Wuhan, 23 July-5 August 2016.

[61] Organizer, Opening Speech Presenter, “Hubei Provincial Contest of the Fifth All China Interpreting Contest”, Wuhan University, Wuhan, 16 April 2016.

[62] Organizer, Chair, the Executive Member of the Council Meeting of Translators Association of Hubei; Presenter of the Award Winners of the 22nd Grand Translation Contest of Hubei Province, Huazhong Normal University(华中师范大学), 9 April 2016.

[63] Organizer,“2016 China National Committee for BTI Education Under Ministry of Education and Concurrently the Twelfth National Joint Conference for Leaders of Translation Programme”(2016教育部高等学校翻译专业教学协作组工作会议暨全国第十二届翻译院系负责人联席会议), Wuhan University. Wuhan, 31 March-1 April 2016.

[64] Keynote Speaker, “An Exploratory Path for Undergraduate Translation Programme at Wuhan University” at“2016 China National Committee for BTI Education Under Ministry of Education and Concurrently the Twelfth National Joint Conference for Leaders of Translation Programme”(2016教育部高等学校翻译专业教学协作组工作会议暨全国第十二届翻译院系负责人联席会议), Wuhan, 1 April 2016.

[65] Sponsor, Opening Speech at “The Sixth Translation Theory and Teaching Symposium of Hubei Province and Concurrently 2018 Annual Seminar of Translators Association of Hubei”, Organized by Opening Speech, Wuhan Polytechnic University(武汉轻工大学), 24 January 2016.

[66] Invited Public Lecture, “An Interdisciplinary Approach to Translation Studies”, Xiangtan University(湘潭大学),Xiangtan(湘潭), 22 December, 2015.

[67] Invited Public Lecture, “Intertextual Theory and Translation”, Hunan University of Science and Technology(湖南科技大学),Xiangtan(湘潭), 22 December, 2015.

[69] Inaugural Lecture for the “Rainbow Distinguished Professor”(彩虹学者), “Current Status Quo of Chinese Translation Studies”, Wuhan Business University(武汉商学院), 10 December, 2015.

[69] Invited Public Lecture, “Intertextuality and Poetry Translation”, Hunan University of Science and Technology(湖南科技大学), 22 December, 2015.

[70] Invited Public Lecture at University Level, “Intertextuality and Poetry Translation”, 201 Series of Lectures at Discovery Forum(求索讲坛), Hubei University of Technology(湖北工业大学),19 November, 2015.

[71] Invited Public Lecture, “The History of Chinese Translation”, Wuchang University of Technology(武昌理工学院),11 November, 2015.

[72] Chairman of the Organizing Committee, “The 22nd Grand Translation Contest of Hubei Province”(湖北省第二十二届外语翻译大赛), Organized by Translators Association of Hubei(湖北省翻译工作者协会), 18000 College Students Participated in This Translation Contest which Attracted 300,000 People in Total Number OvertheTwo Decades and Is Influential Throughout China, November through December, 2015.

[73] Invited Public Lecture, “Intertextuality and Poetry Translation ”, School of Foreign Languages, China Three GorgesUniversity(三峡大学),25 October, 2015.

[74]Organizer, Opening Speech, “The Tenth Midwest China Symposium on Translation Theory and Pedagogy , Translators Association of Hubei and China Three Gorges University(三峡大学), Yichang(宜昌), 23 -25 October, 2015.

[75] Keynote Speaker, “Ye Junjian’s Translation Theory and Practice” at “The Tenth Midwest China Symposium on Translation Theory and Pedagogy , China Three Gorges University(三峡大学), Yichang(宜昌), 23 -25 October, 2015.

[76] Chair , the Executive Member of the Council Meeting of Translators Association of Hubei,China Three GorgesUniversity(三峡大学), 23 October 2015.

[77]Invited Public Lecture, “Intertextuality and Poetry Translation” at School of Foreign Languages, China Three Gorges University, Yichang(宜昌), 25 October, 2015.

[78] Commentator, Concluding Remarks, at the “Elimination Contest of Hubei Province at the Sixth Cross Straits Interpreting Contest”(海峡两岸口译大赛), China University of Geosciences(中国地质大学), 17 October, 2015.

[79]Keynote Speaker, “Post Yan Fu Age: Ye Junjian’s Innovation and Contribution to Yan Fu’s Translation Theory ” at “The High Level Forum on Redefining and Repositioning Translation in the Age of Professionalization and Concurrently the 11th Annual Conference of Society of Translation Studies of Chinese Comparative Literature Association” (职业化时代翻译的重新定义与定位高层论坛暨中国比较文学学会翻译研究会第十一届年会),Changchun(长春), 9 -11 October, 2015.

[80] Organizer, Opening Ceremony and Concluding Speech Presenter, at “The Fourth Advanced Forum of Deans of German Departments in China”, Wuhan University, 29 September 2015.

[81]Host, the Executive Council Meeting of Translators Association of Hubei,WuhanUniversity(三峡大学), 8 July 2015.

[82]Invited Public Lecture, “The Basic Types of Intertextuality in East and West and Intertextual Translation” at School of Foreign Languages, Wuhan University of Science and Technology(武汉理工大学), 18 June 2015.

[83]Invited Public Lecture, “The Use of Empty(虚) and Full(实) Skills in English-Chinese Translation”, 066 Base Training Center ofMinistry of Aerospace Industry, Xiaogang(孝感), 6 June 2015.

[84] Coordinator, Member of Annual Confucius Institute Steering Committee and “Wuhan University Academic Week” at University of Duisburg(德国杜伊斯堡大学), Germany, 18-21 May 2015.

[85] Parallel Session Chair, Expert Member of the Committee, at “2015 China National Committee for BTI Education Under Ministry of Education and Concurrently the Eleventh National Joint Conference for Leaders of Translation Programme”(2015教育部高等学校翻译专业教学协作组工作会议暨全国第十一届翻译院系负责人联席会议), Tianjin International Studies University(天津外国语大学), Tianjin(天津), 11-13 May 2015.

[86] Organizer,Opening Speech,“Hubei Provincial Contest of the Fourth All China Interpreting Contest” , Wuhan University(武汉大学), 25 April 2015.

[87] Delegate, Elected the Council Member of The Seventh Congress of Chinese Translators Association, Beijing, Xindu Hotel, 19-21 April 2015.

[88] Elected President, The Seventh Congress of Translators Association of Hubei Province, Wuhan Donghu University(武汉东湖学院), Wuhan, 26 March 2015.

[89] Awarded the Title of “Outstanding Mid-Career Translators of Hubei Province” (湖北地区中青年翻译家荣誉证书)at The Seventh Election Congress of Translators Association of Wuhan, Wuhan Changhang Hotel, 24 January, 2015.

[90] Sponsor, Opening Speech, “The Fifth Translation Theory and Teaching Symposium & Concurrently the Joint Conference of Leaders of Translation Programme in Hubei Province”(第五届湖北省翻译院系负责人联席会), Organized by Hubei University of Economics(湖北经济学院),Wuhan, 16 January 2015.

[91] Invited Public Lecturer, “Latest Developments on Western Translation Studies”, at “Academic Forum on East-West Language and Culture”(中西语言文化学术论坛系列讲座), China University of Geosciences(中国地质大学), 24 December, 2014.

[92] Invited Public Lecture, “ Historical Development and Present Situation of Translation Studies in China”, Hubei University of Science and Technology(湖北科技学院), 28 November, 2014.

[93] Invited Public Lecture, “Translation and Transnation: Shaping National Identity, Mapping National Boundary”,Macau Polytechnic Institute(澳门理工学院), Macau, 20 November 2014.

[94]Keynote Speaker, “Ye Junjian’s Translation Thought” at “The 2014 Ninth Midwest China Symposium on Translation Theory and Pedagogy”, Translations Association of Hubei and Hubei University(湖北大学), 14 -15 November 2014.

[95]Invited Public Lecture, “The Denotation, Connotation and Historical Evolution of Translation Studies”, Hubei University of Economics(湖北经济学院), 6 November 2014.

[96]Invited Public Lecture for Guest Professor, “The Past and the Present of Translation Studies”, Wuchang University of Technology(武昌工学院), 15 October 2014.

[97] Organizer, Host and Concluding Speech Presenter, “Forum on Confucius Institute and Sino-Western Cultural Academic Exchanges”, Wuhan University, 25 September 2014.

[98] Host and Moderator, South Africa Republic Ambassador to China, Dr. Bheki Langa’s Speech “Twenty Years of the Founding of South Africa”, Wuhan University, September 15th, 2014.

[99] Parallel Session Moderator, “China Association for Comparative Studies of English and Chinese and Concurrently 2014 International Symposium on Comparative Studies of English and Chinese”(中国英汉语比较研究会第十一次全国学术研讨会暨2014英汉语比较与翻译研究国际研讨会), Tsinghua University(清华大学), Beijing, 25-28 August.

[100]Delegation Leader, Ohio State University-Wuhan University American Cultural Center,“Meeting for American Centers for Cultural Exchanges, ACCEX”, Cultural Affairs Office, American Embassy, The Langham Hotel , Shenzhen(深圳), June 16- 19th 2014.

[101]Invited Public Lecture, “Random Talk on the Theory and Practice of Translation Between English and Chinese”, Wuchang University of Science and Technology(武昌工学院), 6 June 2014.

[102] Advisory Committee Meeting,“2014 China National Committee for BTI Education Under Ministry of Education and Concurrently the Tenth National Joint Conference for Leaders of Translation Programme”(2014教育部高等学校翻译专业教学协作组工作会议暨全国第十届翻译院系负责人联席会议), Hangzhou International Studies University, Hangzhou(Hangzhou), 10-11 May 2014.

[103] Elected President, Translation Theory and Pedagogy Association of Education of Higher Learning in Hubei(湖北省高等学校翻译理论与教学研究会), School of Foreign Languages, Hubei University(湖北大学), 10 January, 2014.

[104] Invited Public Lecture, “Modern Concept of Translation and International Communication”, Foreign Affaires (Overseas Chinese Affairs) Office of Hubei Provincial People’s Government(湖北省人民政府外事侨务办公室), 8 January 2014.

[105] Member, English Expert Committee ofChina Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters(CATTI,全国翻译专业资格<水平>考试英语专家委员会委员), China Foreign Languages Publishing Group(中国外文局), Beijing, 20 December,2013.

[106] Chairman of the Jury, 2013 English Contest of State Grid Hubei Electric Power Company, Wuhan Electric Engineering Polytechnic College(武汉电力职业技术学院), 22 November, 2013.

[107]Chairman ofOrganizing Committee, Opening Speech, “Hubei Provincial Contest of the Third All China Interpreting Contest” , Wuhan University, 17 November 2013.

[108] Member of the Expert Committee, “Conference of United Nations Training Programme for Language Professionals Experts Committee”, Expert Qualification Certified by UNITAR and CIFAL(联合国语言人才培训体系专家委员会成员), Beijing, 8 November 2013.

[109] Guest Professor andInvited Public Lecture, “Post Structural Approach to Poetry Translation”, School of Foreign Languages, Wuhan Institute of Technology(武汉工程大学),8 November 2013.

[110]Keynote Speaker, “The Clashes Between History and Reality: To Commemorate the Bicentennary of the Publishing of Schleiermacher’s ‘On Two Methods of Translation’ ” at “The 2013 Eighth Midwest China Symposium on Translation Theory and Pedagogy” ,China University of Geosciences(中国地质大学), 2 November 2013.

[111]Invited Lecture, “From Chinese into English: On Language Service Industry ”, Luojiaren Translation Company (珞珈人翻译公司), Wuhan,16 October 2013.

[112] Concluding Speech Presenter, “The Fifth Cross-Straits Symposium on Translation and Intercultural Communication ( CSSTIC) and the Fourth International Forum on Eco-Translatology”(第五届海峡海峡两岸暨香港、澳门翻译与跨文化交流研讨会暨第四届国际生态翻译研讨会), Huazhong Normal University(华中师范大学),Wuhan, 21-24 September, 2013.

[113] Advisory Committee Meeting, “2013 China National Committee for BTI Education Under theMinistry of Education and Concurrently the Ninth National Joint Conference for Leaders of Translation Programme”(2014教育部高等学校翻译专业教学协作组工作会议暨全国第九届翻译院系负责人联席会议), Dalian International Studies University(大连外国语大学), Dalian(大连), 28-30 June 2013.

[114] Reviewer and Expert, “2013 The First Later Stage Funding for the Projects of the National Social Science Foundation of China and Concurrently Chinese Fund for the Humanities and Social Sciences for Translating Academic Works”(国家社科基金办“2013第一次国家社科基金后期资助暨中华学术外译项目评审会议”评审专家), Beijing Jinxi Hotel(北京京西宾馆), Beijing, 24-26 June 2013.

[115] Invited Public Lecture, “Chinese Translation Studies in the Past Three Decades”, A Series of Lectures by High Profile Professors To Commemorate the Renaming of the University, Wuhan Polytechnic University(武汉轻工大学), 14 May 2013.

[116] Invited Public Lecture, “Seven Types of Intertextuality and Their Translations”, University, Wuhan University of Science and Technology(武汉科技大学), 17 April 2013.

[117] Chief of Judge, Coordinator, “Central China Interpreting Contest of the Fourth Cross Straits Interpreting Contest”, Wuhan University, 24 November, 2012.

[118] Invited Public Lecture, “A Research into Contemporary Chinese Literature Translation”, “Huanchuan Forum” (澴川讲坛), Hubei Engineering University(湖北工程学院), 14 November 2013.

[119] “Rainbow Distinguished Professor”, Conferred by Hubei University of Science and Technology and Hubei Bureau of Education(湖北省教育厅、湖北科技学院), Xianning(咸宁), 28 October, 2013.

[120] Keynote Speaker, “ Mo Yan’s Winning Nobel Prize and Contemporary Chinese Literature Translation ” at “2012 The Seventh Midwest China Symposium on Translation Theory and Pedagogy”, Huanggang Normal University(黄冈师范学院), 26 -27 October 2012.

[121] Keynote Speaker, “A Study of Confucian Value and Its Compatibility with Modern Value From Three Confucian Classic Stories ” at “ The Second National Symposium on TranslatingThe Analects”, Hubei University of Arts and Sciences(湖北文理学院), 18-21 October 2012.

[122] Organizer, Executive Chairman of Organizing Committee, “The Ten National Symposium of the China Association for Comparative Studies of English and Chinese & the 2012 International Symposium on Comparative Studies of English and Chinese and Translation Studies”,(中国英汉语比较研究会第十次全国学术研讨会暨2012英汉语比较与翻译研究国际研讨会), Wuhan University, 21-24 September 2012.

[123] Advisory Committee Meeting, “2012 China National Committee for BTI Education Under Ministry of Education and Concurrently the Eighth National Joint Conference for Leaders of Translation Programme”(2012教育部高等学校翻译专业教学协作组工作会议暨全国第九届翻译院系负责人联席会议), Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing(北京语言大学), Beijing, 2-3 June 2012.

[124] Invited Public Lecture, “Seven Types of Poetry Translation”, Hubei University of Science and Technology(湖北科技学院), Xianning(咸宁), 16 December, 2011.

[125] Invited Public Lecture for Guest Professor, “Translatology and Its Relevance to Four Dimensions of Philosophy ”, Huanggang Normal University(黄冈师范学院), 13 -27 December 2012.

[126] Invited Lecturein English, “The Influence of Confucianism and Taoism on Chinese Way of Thinking ”at the Invitation of All China Youth Federation, Hubei Youth of Federation; Audience: 9 Members Delegation ofAmerican Council of Young Political Leaders(ACYPL,美国青年政治家代表团) USA and Chinese Young Leaders of Hubei Province, December 8, 2011.

[127] Invited Public Lecture, “A Philosophical Approach to Translation Studies”, School of Foreign Languages, China University of Geosciences(中国地质大学), 30 November 2011.

[128] Honorary Guest Lecture, “Reflection and Prospect of Chinese Translation Studies” , To Mark the Thirtieth Anniversary of the Founding of the University, Wuhan Polytechnic University(武汉轻工大学), 26 October 2011.

[129] Advisory Committee Meeting, “2011 China National Committee for BTI Education UndertheMinistry of Education and Concurrently the Seventh National Joint Conference for Leaders of Translation Programme” (2011教育部高等学校翻译专业教学协作组工作会议暨全国七届翻译院系负责人联席会议), Xi’an International Studies University, Xi’an(西安), 14-16 October 2011.

[130] Keynote Speaker, Concluding Summary, “The Paradigm Shift of Geyi Interpretation in Traditional Chinese Translation Discourse”(中国传统译论中的‘格义’范式转换及其现代阐释) at “2011 The Sixth Midwest China Symposium on Translation Theory and Pedagogy”, Hubei University of Nationalities(湖北民族大学), Enshi(恩施), 24 -26 October 2011.

[131] Keynote Speaker, “Intertextual Translation in Literature” at “2011 English Academic Forum”, Jointly Organized by Xinjiang University(新疆大学), Beijing International Studies University(北京外国语大学) and Wuhan University(武汉大学), Urumqi(乌鲁木齐), 15-17 July 2011.

[132] Invited Lecture, “Translation Studies from the Perspective of Cross Cultural Studies”, School of Journalism and Communications, Wuhan University, 16 June 2011.

[133] Distinguished Professor, “Lanyue Scholar”(揽月学者”), Hubei University of Science and Technology(湖北科技学院), Xianning(咸宁), 8 June 2011.

[134] Invited Lecture, “ East-West Paradigms of Intertexuality and Translation Approaches” School of Foreign Languages, Hubei University, 17 March 2011.

[135] Advisory Committee Meeting, Founding Member, “2011 China National Committee for BTI Education UndertheMinistry of Education and Concurrently the Seventh National Joint Conference for Leaders of Translation Programme” (2010教育部高等学校翻译专业教学协作组工作会议暨全国第一届翻译院系负责人联席会议), Guangzhou(广州), 13 March 2011.

[136] Invited Lecture, “The Metaphor of Deconstruction and Its Translation Model”,Hubei Polytechnic University(黄石理工学院), Huangshi(黄石),11 March 2011.

[137] Invited Public Lecture, “Literary Translation and Literary Canon”, Scientific Division, School of Foreign Languages, South-Central University for Nationalities(中南民族大学), 17 December, 2010.

[138] Invited Public Lecture, “Intertextual Theory and Poetry Translation”, School of Foreign Languages, Guangzhou University(广州大学), 16 November, 2010.

[139] Invited Public Lecture, “Movable Theory Or Movable Text ?”, School of Foreign Languages, Huazhong Normal University(华中师范大学), 12 October, 2010.

[140] Keynote Speaker, “The Retrospection of and Reflection on Translation Studies in China intheLast Three Decades Since the Reform and Opening Up” at “Symposium on the Concept of Professional Translation Teaching and Translation Textbook Development”, Organized by China National Committee for Interpreting and Translation Education (教育部全国MTI教育指导委员会)、Translation Theory and Translation Teaching Committee of Translators Association of China(中国译协翻译理论与翻译教学委员会)、Translation Studies Society of Chinese Comparative Literature Association(中国比较文学学会翻译研究会), Harbin Normal University(哈尔滨师范大学), 24-27 September, 2010.

[141] Co-Chairman of Academic Committee, Keynote Speaker, “Chinese Philosophical Allegories and Their Hermeneutic Meaning in Translation” at “Symposium on Translation and Teaching Under the Global Perspective”(全球化视野下的翻译与翻译教学研讨会), Organized by Translators Association of Guangdong Province and Translators Association of Hubei Province(广东译协、湖北译协连袂举办),Guangzhou(广州), 16-18 September, 2010.

[142] Keynote Speaker, “The Self and Other in Literary Translation” at “2010 Sino-Hong Kong Translation Teaching Workshop”(,2010年中港文学翻译教学工作坊), Organized by Zhongnan University of Economics and Law(中南财经政法大学),Hong Kong Open University(香港公开大学) and Hubei Translators Association, Wuhan, 22 May, 2010.

[143] Keynote Speaker, “Postmodernism and Translation” at “The Sixth Mid-West China Symposium on Translation Theory and Pedagogy”, Organized by Translators Association of Hubei, Xiangfan(襄樊), Hubei University of Arts and Sciences, 11-13 June, 2010.

[144] Invited Lecture, “The Skills and Problems Concerning Translating Scientific Texts”, Organized by Translation Coordinating Group of State Grid Hubei Electric Engineering Company, Held at Wuhan Electric Engineering Polytechnic College(武汉电力职业技术学院),19 March, 2010.

[145] Invited Lecture, “The Characteristics of Derrida’s Deconstruction Translation Theory”, School of Foreign Languages, Huazhong Agricultural University(华中农业大学), 24 December, 2009.

[146] Elected Council Member, at the Sixth Representative Congress of Translators Association of China(中国翻译协会第六次会员代表大会), Beijing, 13 November, 2009.

[147] Invited Public Lecture, “The Translators of Hubei From Ancient to the Present” (惟楚有译才,于斯尤为盛), and Electedas Executive Vice-President of Translators Association of Hubei, at the Sixth Representative Congress of TAH, Wuhan University, 18 December 2009.

[148] Keynote Speaker, “The Geyi Paradigm Shift in Traditional Chinese Translation Theory and Its Modern Interpretation’ at “High Level Forum on Comparative Studies in English and Chinese & the Development of Translation Studies”(英汉语对比与翻译研究学科建设高层论坛), Organized byChina Association for Comparative Studies of English and Chinese,CACSEC(中国英汉语比较研究会),Held at Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai(上海), 5-7 December 2009.

[149] Plenary Session Speaker, “Heidegger’s Authentic Search for Philosophical Translation” at “Symposium on Comparative Philosophy and Comparative Culture”(中西比较哲学与比较文化研讨会), Organized by School of Philosophy at Wuhan University, Xiaogan(孝感), 24-26 August 2009.

[150] Keynote Speaker, “The Systematic Structure and Connotation of Western Translation Theory” at “The Fifth Mid-West China Symposium on Translation Theory and Pedagogy”, Organized by Translators Association of Hubei, Wuhan University of Sciences and Technology(武汉科技大学), 12-14 June, 2009.

[151] Invite Public Lecture, “My Road to Academic Learning” at “Donghu Forum”(东湖讲坛), Lecture Hall of the Main Library of Wuhan Donghu University(武汉东湖学院), 29 April, 2009.

[152] Invited Speaker, “Thinking Through Translation: Philosophical Avenue to Translation Studies” at “ High Level Forum on Systematic Construction of Translation Theory in the Discipline of Translatology” (翻译学学科理论系统构建高层论坛), Qingdao Ocean University(青岛海洋大学), 10-13 April, 2009.

[153] Keynote Speaker, “Rethinking and Reflecting on Chinese Translation Studies”, at “The Fourth Mid-West China Symposium on Translation Theory and Pedagogy”, Organized by Translators Association of Hubei, Hubei University of Sciences and Technology(湖北科技大学), 14-16 June, 2009.

[154] Invited Lecture, “Reconstruction of the Babel: Towards East-West Translation Histograph”, School of Foreign Languages, Hankou University(汉口学院), 26 September, 2008.

[155] Invited Lecture, Guest Professor Inaugural Address, “The Philosophical Approach to Translation Studies”, Hubei University for Nationalities(湖北民族大学), 24-28, May 2008.

[156] Invited Speaker, “Four Dimensions of Interpreter’s Subjectivity and Their Characteristics”(第二届海峡“海峡两岸暨香港、澳门”翻译与跨文化交流研讨会) at “The Second Cross Straits Symposium on Translation and Intercultural Culture” (CSSTIC), Macau Polytechnic College(澳门理工学院), 22-25 November, 2007.

[157] Organizer, Keynote Speaker, “The Name and Nature of Chinese Translation Studies” at “2007 China National Symposium on Translation Theory and Teaching”(2007全国翻译理论与教学研讨会), Sponsored by Translation Studies Society of Chinese Comparative Literature Association(中国比较文学翻译研究会), Translators Association of Hubei, Wuhan University, 24-27 October 2007.

[158] Chief Interpreter at the Opening Ceremony, “The Fifteenth World Conference on Chinese Philosophy”(第十五届世界中国哲学大会),The International Society for Chinese Philosophy (ISCP) , Wuhan University, 24-28 June 2007.

[159] Parallel Session Speaker, “Yan Fu’s Translation and It Modern Implications” at “The Fourth Asian Translators Forum”(第四届亚洲翻译家论坛), Sponsored byFederation Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT)(国际译联), Bogor, Indonesia(印度尼西亚), 12-14 April 2007.

[160] Invited Lecture, “Western Hermeneutics and Translation Studies”, School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Huazhong Normal University(华中师范大学), 4 April 2007.

[161] Parallel Session Chair, “Symposium on Translation and Publishing in Cross Cultural Epoch”, Foshan University(广东佛山大学), Translation Studies Society of Chinese Comparative Literature Association, 26-28 2006.

[162] Keynote Speaker, “Latest Trends and Characteristics of the American Translation Theory Researches” at “Symposium on Translation Teaching of Higher Education”, Huazhong Normal University(华中师范大学), 14 October 2007.

[163] Invited Public Lecture, “Shaping National Identity, Crossing National Boundary” at“Lingnan Translatology Frontiers Lectures”(岭南译学前沿讲座),Multi Function Hall of the Library, Guangdong International Studies University(广东外语外贸大学), 12 September 2006.

[164] Invited Lectures, “Reflections on Literary Translation in China”, and “Towards an Understanding of Confucian Classics”, School of English and International Studies, Run Run Shaw Building, Beijing International Studies University(北京外国语大学), 12-13 June 2006.

[165] Invited Speaker, “On Confucian Consanguinity and Its Recent Debates in China ”, atNew Confucian Seminar Organized by Sinologist and University Professor William De Barry, Heyman Center of Humanities, Columbia University(美国哥伦比亚大学), New York, 15 April, 2006.

[166] Keynote Speaker, “East -West View on Justice at The International Conference of China at Its Crossroads”, Kutztown University(美国库兹城大学) , Pennsylvania , USA, 27-28 March, 2006.

[167] Invited Speaker, “Boston New Confucian Dialogue”, At the Invitation of Prof. Tu Weiming of Harvard , Participants:Robert Neville, John Berthrong, Huang Yong, Wan Junren, et al.,Harvard Yenching Institute(哈佛燕京学社), Boston, 28-29 February, 2006.

[168] Invited Speaker, “Neo-Confucian and Global Philosophy”(新儒家与全球哲学), Mansfield Freeman Centre for East Asian Studies, Wesleyan University(美国韦斯利安大学),Middletown, Connecticut, USA,28-29 February, 2006.

[169] Invited Public Lecture,“What Is Your Solution for a Son’s Dilemma:How Confucius and Our Contemporaries Look at the Issue of Filial Piety”, Wash Library, Seton Hall University(美国西东大学), New Jersey, USA, 30 January,2006. Reported on World Journal(《世界日报》) April 1, 2006.

[170] Parallel Session Speaker, “Cultural Translation for Chinese Metaphors” at “The Fifth Asian Translators Forum”(亚洲翻译家论坛), Sponsored byFederation Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT), Tsinghua University(清华大学), Beijing, 29 October - 4 November 2004.

[171] Keynote Speaker, “ On Early Stage Translation Activities and The Origin of Human Civilization” at “All China Ph.D. Academic Forum”, Organized by Department of Degree Management and Postgraduate Education ( Office of State Council Academic Degrees Committee)( 教育部学位管理办公室), Wuhan University, 18-20 October, 2004.

[172] Invited Speaker, “Developing Translation Studies by Integrating the Chinese and Foreign Theoretical Resources ” at “First National Symposium on the Development of Translatology and Translation Theory” (全国首届翻译学学科理论建设研讨会), Organized by Sichuan University, Sponsored by Translators Association of China(中国译协), Sichuan University(四川大学), Shanghai International Studies University(上海外国语大学), Chengdu(成都), 22-24 May 2004.

[173] Keynote Speaker, Parallel Session Chair, “Towards an East-West Discourse on Feminist Translation Studies” at “The International Symposium on Discourse and Communication” (话语与交流新视野国际研讨会), Wuhan University(武汉大学), 9 -11 May 2004.

[174] Parallel Session Chair and Presenter, “On Differentiating Speech and Meaning in Translation Studies” at “2003 National Symposium on Translation Theory and Teaching”(全国翻译理论与翻译教学研讨会), Huazhong Normal University & Translators Association of Hubei(华中师范大学、湖北省翻译工作者协会), Wuhan, 13-14 July 2003.

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