题 名
| 赠书人/机构
| 册数
| 赠书时间
| 谢芳赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
| 谢芳赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
| 谢芳赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
| 谢芳赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
| 谢芳赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
| 谢芳赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
| 谢芳赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
| 谢芳赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
| 谢芳赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
| 谢芳赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Marcher avec les dragons
| 瓦隆-布鲁塞尔驻华代表团赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Miser sur les différences : êtres gagnants
| 瓦隆-布鲁塞尔驻华代表团赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
De l’autre c?té du conflit : la médiation
| 瓦隆-布鲁塞尔驻华代表团赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Passeurs de monde
| 瓦隆-布鲁塞尔驻华代表团赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
L’Islam au coeur de nos villes
| 瓦隆-布鲁塞尔驻华代表团赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Mes gènes comprendre mon la génétique indentité?& ses enjeux
| 瓦隆-布鲁塞尔驻华代表团赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Communication et développement durable
| 瓦隆-布鲁塞尔驻华代表团赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Les défis du pluriel
| 瓦隆-布鲁塞尔驻华代表团赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Comment devient-on génocidaire ?
| 瓦隆-布鲁塞尔驻华代表团赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
L’évolution dévoilée
| 瓦隆-布鲁塞尔驻华代表团赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Chasseures de matières première
| 瓦隆-布鲁塞尔驻华代表团赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Lieux, biens ; liens communs
| 瓦隆-布鲁塞尔驻华代表团赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Europe : le contient perdu ?
| 瓦隆-布鲁塞尔驻华代表团赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Dix voies d’avenir pour neuf milliqrds d’humains
| 瓦隆-布鲁塞尔驻华代表团赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Relations internationales
| 瓦隆-布鲁塞尔驻华代表团赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Le“journalisme moral d’Alert Camus
| 瓦隆-布鲁塞尔驻华代表团赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Le fonctionnement de l’union européenne
| 瓦隆-布鲁塞尔驻华代表团赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Innover avec les acteurs du monde rural
| 瓦隆-布鲁塞尔驻华代表团赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Les partis politiques européens
| 瓦隆-布鲁塞尔驻华代表团赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Le haut représentant de l’Union pour les Affaires étrangères et la Politiquede sécurité
| 瓦隆-布鲁塞尔驻华代表团赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Faut-il juger George Bush ?
| 瓦隆-布鲁塞尔驻华代表团赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
De la préservation à la conservation
| 瓦隆-布鲁塞尔驻华代表团赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Psychologie de la négociaion
| 瓦隆-布鲁塞尔驻华代表团赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
L’adieu choisi
| 瓦隆-布鲁塞尔驻华代表团赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Fondements de science politique
| 瓦隆-布鲁塞尔驻华代表团赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Girls’ night in
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
English social history
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
British literature 1640-1789
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Scientists and inventors
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
The blackwell encyclopedia of the american revolution
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Australian stories
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
W.B. Yeats a life Stephen coote
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Readingfrom the heart
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Encyclopedia of feminist literature
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Bloomsburyguide to woman’s literature
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Writing about imaginative literature
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Decision points
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Best sellers
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Roget’s thesaurus
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Bush ballads and galloping rhymes
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Black American literature
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
The penguin book of Australian slang
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Modern British drama: the twentieth century
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Collins discovery encyclopedia
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
The elements of style
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
James Clavell’s Tai-Pan
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Dream from my father
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
An extraordinary Australian Mary MacKillop
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
My brother Jack
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Always and forever
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Key concepts in communication and cultural studies
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
New Zealand
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Modern Australian usage
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Family encyclopedia
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
A reader’s guide to the contemporary English novel
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Fast-talking dames
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
The best American short stoires
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
DoesAmericaneed a foreign policy?
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
New Australian stories
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Seven centuries of poetry in English
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
TheBritish empire
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
The best Australian essays 2000
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Lazarus rising
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
New Zealandshort stories
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
New great Australian flying doctor stories
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
The oxford history ofNew Zealandliterature
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Conversation with Norman Mailer
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
The penguin best Australian short stories
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Woman who made history
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
The best American essays 2006
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Australiaand the world
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Book of Australian andNew Zealand
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Why we are Australian
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
BeautifulNew Zealand
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Philip’s school Atlas
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
SimplyAustralia: a culinary journey
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
100 masterpieces of Australian landscape painting
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
The complete touring companion explore Australia
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
The best Australian poems
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Dickens dictionary
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Love, obsession, secrets & lies
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
The Joke book
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Continuum encyclopedia of popular music of the world : volume I
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
Continuum encyclopedia of popular music of the world : volume II
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1
The times concise Atlas of the world
| 汪国强赠书
| 1
| 2016.1