The work of difference : modernism, romanticism, and the production of literary form / |
Wasser, Audrey, |
102100492097 |
I06/W322/2016/Y |
9780823270057 hardback |
总馆文科阅览颁1 |
New York : Fordham University Press, 2016. |
2016 |
21 |
文学,2016文专自主采购,文学院艾士薇老师推荐,张翔提交 |
Language evolution : the Windows approach / |
Botha, Rudolf P., |
102100492100 |
H0/B749/2016/Y |
9781107135130 Hardback |
总馆文科阅览颁1 |
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2016. |
2016 |
21 |
文学,2016文专自主采购,文学院李佳老师推荐 |
A grammar of Mandarin / |
Wiedenhof, Jeroen, |
102100492101 |
H14/W644/2015/Y |
9789027212276 Hb |
总馆文科阅览颁1 |
Amsterdam : John Benjamins Publishing Company, [2015] |
2015 |
21 |
文学,2016文专自主采购,文学院李佳老师推荐 |
Relabeling in language genesis / |
Lefebvre, Claire, |
102100492103 |
H07/L489/2015/Y |
9780199945313 paperback |
总馆文科阅览颁1 |
Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2015] |
2015 |
21 |
文学,2016文专自主采购,文学院韩小荆教授推荐,张翔提交 |
Routledge encyclopedia of interpreting studies / |
Pchhacker, Franz, |
102100492110 |
H059/R869p/2015/Y |
9780415634328 hbk |
总馆文科阅览颁1 |
London : Routledge, 2015. |
2015 |
21 |
文学,2016文专自主采购,文学院李佳老师推荐 |
Writing royal entries in early modern Europe / |
Canova-Green, Marie-Claude, |
102100492111 |
I106.5/W956/2013/Y |
9782503536026 (hbk.) |
总馆文科阅览颁1 |
Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols, [2013] |
2013 |
21 |
历史,2016文专自主采购,历史学院蒋焰老师推荐 |
The Cambridge Companion to British Poetry, 1945-2010 / |
Larrissy, Edward, |
102100492152 |
I561.072/C178a/2016/Y |
9781107462847 pbk. |
总馆文科阅览颁1 |
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2016. |
2016 |
21 |
文学,2016文专自主采购,文学院萧映老师推荐,张翔提交 |
Theorizing Glissant : sites and citations / |
Drabinski, John E., |
102100492161 |
I565.072/T396/2015/Y |
9781783484089 pbk. alk. paper |
总馆文科阅览颁1 |
London : Rowman & Littlefield International, [2015] |
2015 |
21 |
文学,2016文专自主采购,文学院萧映老师推荐,张翔提交 |
The modes of modern writing : metaphor, metonymy, and the typology of modern literature / |
Lodge, David, |
102100492164 |
I06/L822/2015/Y |
9781474244213 PB |
总馆文科阅览颁1 |
London : Bloomsbury Academic, [2015] |
2015 |
21 |
文学,2016文专自主采购,文学院萧映老师推荐,张翔提交 |
Playwriting / |
Grace, Fraser, |
102100492165 |
I053/G729/2016/Y |
9781472529329 paperback |
总馆文科阅览颁1 |
London : Bloomsbury Academic, 2016. |
2016 |
21 |
文学,2016文专自主采购,文学院萧映老师推荐,张翔提交 |
Introducing morphology / |
Lieber, Rochelle, |
102100492166 |
H04/L716m(2)/2016/Y |
9781107480155 paperback |
总馆文科阅览颁1 |
Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press, 2016. |
2016 |
21 |
文学,2016文专自主采购,文学院李佳老师推荐 |
First language acquisition / |
Clark, Eve V., |
102100492167 |
H0/C592(3)/2016/Y |
9781316507605 paperback |
总馆文科阅览颁1 |
Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press, 2016. |
2016 |
21 |
文学,2016文专自主采购,文学院李佳老师推荐 |
Forget me not : the rise of the British literary annual, 1823-1835 / |
Harris, Katherine D., |
102100492173 |
I561.064/H314/2015/Y |
9780821421369 hardback |
总馆文科阅览颁1 |
Athens : Ohio University Press, [2015] |
2015 |
21 |
文学,2016文专自主采购,文学院张箭飞老师推荐,张翔提交 |
Style in the Renaissance : language and ideology in early modern England / |
Canning, Patricia, |
102100492202 |
I561.06/C225/2013/Y |
9781441185525 HB |
总馆文科阅览颁1 |
London : Bloomsbury, 2012. |
2012 |
21 |
历史,2016文专自主采购,历史学院蒋焰老师推荐 |