| | | | | |
| 着者
| 索书号
| 分馆
| 出版社
| 出版年
| | | | | |
Espionage in British fiction and film since 1900 : the changing enemy /
| Buckton, Oliver S.,
| I561.074/B926/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Lanham, Maryland : Lexington Books, [2015]
| 2015
Language and state : a theory of the progress of civilization /
| Yu, Xing
| H002/Y94/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Lanham, Maryland : University Press of America, Inc., [2015]
| 2015
New medieval literatures.
| Ashe, Laura,
| I109.3/N532a/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Cambridge : D.S. Brewer, 2016.
| 2016
Writing identity in medieval and early modern Scotland /
| Contzen, Eva von,
| I561.06/W956m/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Lanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield, [2016]
| 2016
Translation and the making of modern Russian literature /
| Baer, Brian James,
| H355.9/B141/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| New York : Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc., 2016.
| 2016
Crosslinguistic influence in second language acquisition /
| Alonso Alonso, Rosa,
| H09/C951a/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Bristol ; Buffalo : Multilingual Matters, [2016]
| 2016
The theatre of D.H. Lawrence : dramatic modernist and theatrical innovator /
| Moran, James,
| I561.073/M829/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| London ; New York : Bloomsbury Methuen Drama, 2015.
| 2015
Present tense : a poetics /
| Avanessian, Armen,
| I054/A946/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| London ; New York : Bloomsbury Academic, An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc, 2015.
| 2015
Modernism : evolution of an idea /
| Latham, Sean,
| I109.9/L352/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| London : Bloomsbury Academic, 2015.
| 2015
The Norton Shakespeare /
| Shakespeare, William,
| I561.13/S527e(3)/2016/V.4/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| New York : W.W. Norton & Company, [2016]
| 2016
The Norton Shakespeare /
| Shakespeare, William,
| I561.13/S527e(3)/2016/V.1/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| New York : W.W. Norton & Company, [2016]
| 2016
The Norton Shakespeare /
| Shakespeare, William,
| I561.13/S527d(3)/2016/V.1/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| New York : W.W. Norton & Company, [2016]
| 2016
The Norton Shakespeare /
| Shakespeare, William,
| I561.13/S527e(3)/2016/V.3/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| New York : W.W. Norton & Company, [2016]
| 2016
The Norton Shakespeare /
| Shakespeare, William,
| I561.13/S527e(3)/2016/V.2/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| New York : W.W. Norton & Company, [2016]
| 2016
Semantic properties of diagrams and their cognitive potentials /
| Shimojima, Atsushi,
| H03/S556/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Stanford, California : CSLI Publications, [2015]
| 2015
S. /
| Abrams, J. J.
| I712.45/A161/2013/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| [New York] : Mulholland Books/Little, Brown, [2013]
| 2013
The Homeric hymns /
| Homeric hymns.
| I545.22/H766ra/2014/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Berkeley : University of California Press, [2014]
| 2014
The Aethiopis : neo-neoanalysis reanalyzed /
| Davies, Malcolm,
| I545.072/D256a/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Washington, DC : Center for Hellenic Studies, 2016.
| 2016
The Cambridge companion to Victorian women's writing /
| Peterson, Linda H.,
| I561.064/C178p/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2015.
| 2015
Light everywhere : selected poems /
| Nooteboom, Cees,
| I563.25/N819/2014/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| London ; New York : Seagull Books, 2014.
| 2014
The pen and the people : English letter writers 1660-1800 /
| Whyman, Susan E.,
| I561.076/W629/2011/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.
| 2009
The reprisal : a novel /
| Bonanni, Laudomia,
| I546.45/B697/2013/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 2013.
| 2013
Narrative and identity : studies in autobiography, self and culture /
| Brockmeier, Jens,
| I055/N234/2001/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Amsterdam ; Philadelphia, PA : John Benjamins Publishing, [2001]
| 2001
A feminist companion to Shakespeare.
| | I561.073/F329(2)/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley Blackwell, 2016.
| 2016
Nabokov's canon : from Onegin to Ada /
| Bozovic, Marijeta,
| I712.065/B793/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Evanston, Illionois : Northwestern University Press, [2016]
| 2016
Terence between late antiquity and the age of printing : illustration, commentary and performance /
| Turner, Andrew J.,
| I546.073/T316/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Leiden ; Boston : Brill, [2015]
| 2015
The Cambridge companion to Petrarch /
| Ascoli, Albert Russell,
| I546.072/C178p/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2015.
| 2015
The Cambridge companion to the American modernist novel /
| Miller, Joshua
| I712.074/C178am/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2015.
| 2015
The Europeans /
| James, Henry,
| I712.44/J27gr/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2015.
| 2015
The Cambridge history of Asian American literature /
| Song, Min,
| I712.06/C178s/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| New York : Cambridge University Press, 2016.
| 2016
The Cambridge history of Jewish American literature /
| Wirth-Nesher, Hana,
| I712.06/C178j/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| New York : Cambridge University Press, 2016.
| 2015
Dante and the dynamics of textual exchange : authorship, manuscript culture, and the making of the '
| Todorovic, Jelena,
| I546.072/T639/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| New York : Fordham University Press, 2016.
| 2016
Hesiod's Theogony : from Near Eastern creation myths to Paradise lost /
| Scully, Stephen,
| I545.072/S437/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2015]
| 2015
The origin of tragedy with special reference to the Greek tragedians /
| Ridgeway, William,
| I545.073/R544/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Cambridge [Eng.] Cambridge University Press, 1910.
| 1910
The collected works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
| Coleridge, Samuel Taylor,
| I561. 11/C693/2015/V.1/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| [London] : Routledge and K. Paul ; [Princeton] : Princeton University Press, [c1969-
| 1969
The collected works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
| Coleridge, Samuel Taylor,
| I561. 11/C693/2015/V.10/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| [London] : Routledge and K. Paul ; [Princeton] : Princeton University Press, [c1969-
| 1969
Poetry and myth in ancient pastoral : essays on Theocritus and Virgil /
| Segal, Charles,
| I106.6/S454/2014/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, [1981]
| 1981
The anatomy of satire /
| Highet, Gilbert,
| I712.076/H638/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, [1962]
| 1962
Ancient Greek novels : the fragments : introduction, text, translation, and commentary /
| Stephens, Susan A.,
| I545.42/A541/2014/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, [1995]
| 1995
Hamlet's absent father /
| Erlich, Avi,
| I561.073/E69/1977/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, [1977]
| 1977
Guillén on Guillén : the poetry and the poet /
| Guillén, Jorge,
| I551.25/G958p/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, [1979]
| 1979
Essays on European literature : Kritische Essays zur europischen Literatur /
| Curtius, Ernst Robert,
| I500.6/C981e/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, [1973]
| 1973
The speeches in Vergil's Aeneid /
| Highet, Gilbert,
| I546.072/H638/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, [1972]
| 1972
Pindar's mythmaking : the Fourth Pythian ode /
| Segal, Charles,
| I545.072/S454/2014/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, [1986]
| 1986
Nabokov's otherworld /
| Alexandrov, Vladimir E.,
| I512.074/A383/2014/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, [1991]
| 1991
Collected poems /
| Saint-John Perse,
| I565.25/S157e/2014/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, 1983.
| 1983
Selected works of Miguel de Unamuno /
| Unamuno, Miguel de,
| I551.45/U54s/2016/V.3/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| [Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1967-1984]
| 1967
Selected works of Miguel de Unamuno /
| Unamuno, Miguel de,
| I551.45/U54s/2016/V.5/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| [Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1967-1984]
| 1967
Paul Morel /
| Lawrence, D. H.
| I561.45/L419pm/2014/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2003.
| 2003
Voices of the people in nineteenth-century France /
| Hopkin, David M.,
| I565.077/H793/2012/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
| 2012
The Cambridge Guide to the Worlds of Shakespeare /
| Smith, Bruce R.,
| I561.072/C178k/2016/V.1/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| New York : Cambridge University Press, 2016.
| 2016
The Cambridge Guide to the Worlds of Shakespeare /
| Smith, Bruce R.,
| I561.072/C178k/2016/V.2/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| New York : Cambridge University Press, 2016.
| 2016
Dictionary of medieval Latin from British sources /
| Latham, R. E.
| H711.6/L352/2011/V.14/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| London : Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, 1975-2013.
| 1975
Longitudinal developments in vocabulary knowledge and lexical organization /
| Dóczi, Brigitta,
| H09/D637/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| New York : Oxford University Press, [2016]
| 2016
Thomas Mann in English : a study in literary translation /
| Horton, David,
| I516.074/H823/2013/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| London : Bloomsbury Academic, 2013.
| 2013
Women talk more than men : --and other myths about language explained /
| Kaplan, Abby,
| H0/K17/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2016.
| 2016
Language and logics : an introduction to the logical foundations of language /
| Gregory, Howard,
| H0-05/G822/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, [2015]
| 2015
The crucible of language : how language and mind create meaning /
| Evans, Vyvyan,
| H030/E92/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015.
| 2015
The values of literary studies : critical institutions, scholarly agendas /
| McDonald, Ronan,
| I06/V215/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2015.
| 2015
Pursuing meaning /
| Borg, Emma,
| H030/B732/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012.
| 2012
Sociolinguistic styles /
| Hernández Campoy, Juan Manuel,
| H051/H557/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley-Blackwell, 2016.
| 2016
Problems of methodology and philosophy in linguistics /
| Bobrowski, Ireneusz,
| H0/B663/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Frankfurt am Main ; New York : Peter Lang Edition, [2015]
| 2015
Shifting stories : history, gossip, and lore in narratives from Tang dynasty China /
| Allen, Sarah M.,
| I207.7/A429/2014/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Cambridge (Massachusetts) : Harvard University Asia Center, 2014.
| 2014
From syntax to text : the Janus face of functional sentence perspective /
| Duková, Libue,
| H31/D877/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Prague : Charles University in Prague, Karolinum Press, 2015.
| 2015
Aspectuality and temporality : descriptive and theoretical issues /
| Guentchéva, Zlatka,
| H04/A838/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, [2016]
| 2016
Languages in the world : how history, culture, and politics shape language /
| Andresen, Julie Tetel,
| H0/A561/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Chichester, West Sussex ; Malden, MA : Wiley Blackwell, 2016.
| 2016
Bird relics : grief and vitalism in Thoreau /
| Arsi, Branka,
| I712.064/A782/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 2016.
| 2016
The Norton Shakespeare /
| Shakespeare, William,
| I561.13/S527d(3)/2016/V.2/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| New York : W.W. Norton & Company, [2016]
| 2016
The geography of water /
| Emerick, Mary,
| I712.45/E53g/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Fairbanks : University of Alaska Press, [2015]
| 2015
Fashion and fiction : self-transformation in twentieth-century American literature /
| Cardon, Lauren S.,
| I712.074/C268/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Charlottesville : University of Virginia Press, 2016.
| 2016
Translation as metaphorical mapping : James Holmes' translation process model, the contemporary theo
| Wong, Suzanne,
| H059/W872/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Saarbrücken, Germany : Scholar's Press, 2015.
| 2015
Of grammatology /
| Derrida, Jacques,
| H0/D438(-)/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, [2016]
| 2016
Veiled figures : women, modernity, and the spectres of Orientatism /
| Heffernan, Teresa,
| I106/H461v/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Toronto ; Buffalo : University of Toronto Press, [2016]
| 2016
The Routledge Encyclopedia of research methods in applied linguistics : quantitative, qualitative, a
| Riazi, A. Mehdi,
| H09-61/R481/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| London ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2016.
| 2016
The Cambridge handbook of learner corpus research /
| Granger, Sylviane,
| H09/C178g/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015.
| 2015
Chinese : a comprehensive grammar /
| Yip, Po-ching,
| H14/Y51(2)/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| London ; New York : Routledge, 2016.
| 2016
Negotiating and Contesting Identities in Linguistic Landscapes /
| Blackwood, Robert J.,
| H0-05/N384/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| London ; New York : Bloomsbury Academic, 2016.
| 2016
Psycholinguistics : introduction and applications /
| Menn, Lise,
| H0-05/M547(2)/2017/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| San Diego, CA : Plural, [2017]
| 2017
Fundamentals of phonetics : a practical guide for students /
| Small, Larry H.,
| H311/S635(4)/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Boston ; Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson, [2016]
| 2016
Lexical-functional syntax /
| Bresnan, Joan,
| H04/B842(2)/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Hoboken : Wiley-Blackwell, [2015]
| 2016
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2011/V.306/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2016/V.392/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2015/V.316/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2016/V.325/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2016/V.329/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2016/V.330/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/1996/V.29/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/1996/V.30/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2006/V.94/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2006/V.95/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2007/V.104/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2007/V.105/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2008/V.109/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2009/V.119/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2009/V.121/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2013/V.147/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2016/V.169/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2012/V.268/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2012/V.269/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2013/V.276/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2013/V.277/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2012/V.280/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2013/V.286/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2014/V.287/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2014/V.290/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2014/V.301/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2015/V.304/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2015/V.305/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2015/V.309/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2015/V.314/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2016/V.320/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2010/V.284/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2010/V.287/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2012/V.317/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2011/V.257/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2015/V.313/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2006/V.96/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2006/V.99/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2007/V.103/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2008/V.111/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2009-/V.119-/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2014/V.152/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2014/V.155/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2015/V.160/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2015/V.164/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2015/V.299/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2015/V.303/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2009/V.123/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2009/V.124/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2010/V.127/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2012/V.141/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2012/V.144/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2012/V.145/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2010/V.292/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2010/V.293/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2011/V.252/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2011/V.256/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2012/V.259/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2012/V.264/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2012/V.267/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/1992/V.16/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2006/V.98/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2007/V.102/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2008/V.106/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2009/V.118/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2009/V.120/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2013/V.149/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2010/V.286/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2010//V290/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2010/V.295/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2011/V.308/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2011/V.309/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2011/V.310/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2012/V.312/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2012/V.315/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2013/V.346/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2011/V.139/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2014/V.153/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2012/V.257/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2014/V.286/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2014/V.290/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2013/V.272/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2013/V.273/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2012/V.279/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2013/V.282/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2013/V.284/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2014/V.289/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2014/V.292/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2014/V.293/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2014/V.299/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2015/V.311/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2012/V.260/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2012/V.261/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2012/V.271/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2010/V.291/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2010/V.294/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/1998/V.41/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2005/V.92/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2009/V.115/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2010/V.126/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2010/V.132/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2010/V.133/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2011/V.140/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2012/V.143/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2013/V.150/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2014/V.154/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2012/V.313/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2012/V.265/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2015/V.306/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2015/V.307/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2015/V.310/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2016/V.314/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2000/V.52/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2011/V.138/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2013/V.148/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2013/V.151/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2014/V.157/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2014/V.158/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2015/V.159/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2015/V.163/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2016/V.165/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2014/V.156/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2012/V.261/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2013/V.265/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2015/V.309/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2016/V.313/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2016/V.315/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2011/V.250/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2013/V.281/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2014/V.297/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2014/V.302/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2014/V.303/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2015/V.306/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2015/V.307/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2015/V.312/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2015/V.315/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2011/V.249/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2011/V.253/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2011/V.254/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2012/V.258/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2012/V.263/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2012/V.266/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2010/V.281/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2010/V.288/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2005/V.90/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2006/V.97/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2007/V.100/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2013/V.146/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2015/V.161/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2016/V.167/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2016/V.168/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2015/V.162/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2015/V.379/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2015/V.381/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2012/V.258/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2012/V.259/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2012/V.262/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2013/V.268/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2014/V.284/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2014/V.289/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2014/V.292/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2014/V.294/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2014/V.295/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2015/V.297/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2012/V.142/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2011/V.248/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2012/V.262/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2015/V.308/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2013/V.263/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2013/V.267/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2013/V.272/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2014/V.285/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2015/V.304/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2015/V.311/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2016/V.317/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2016/V.318/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2016/V.322/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2016/V.323/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2016/V.324/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2012/V.270/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2013/V.275/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2013/V.278/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2013/V.285/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2014/V.295/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2015/V.310/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2012/V.256/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2012/V.260/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2013/V.264/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2013/V.274/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2013/V.275/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2013/V.277/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2014/V.279/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2014/V.280/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2016/V.321/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2013/V.283/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2014/V.298/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2015/V.317/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2016/V.318/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2016/V.323/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2016/V.324/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2016/V.326/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2016/V.328/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/1991/V.12/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/1993/V.20/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2005/V.91/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2008/V.113/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2010/V.128/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2010/V.130/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2011/V.136/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2011/V.251/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2010/V.282/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2010/V.283/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2011/V.296/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2011/V.302/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2014/V.347/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2013/V.269/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2013/V.270/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2013/V.271/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2013/V.276/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2013/V.278/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2014/V.281/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2014/V.282/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2014/V.283/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2014/V.288/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2013/V.274/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2014/V.288/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2014/V.291/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2014/V.294/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2014/V.296/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2014/V.300/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2013/V.266/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2013/V.273/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2014/V.287/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2014/V.291/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2015/V.298/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2015/V.300/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2015/V.301/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2015/V.302/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2016/V.319/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2016/V.166/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Prudentius on the martyrs /
| Palmer, Anne-Marie,
| I546.072/P173/1989/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Oxford [England] : Clarendon Press ; 1989.
| 1989
Verbal advantage : 10 easy steps to a powerful vocabulary /
| Elster, Charles Harrington.
| H313/E49/2000/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| New York : Random House References, [2000]
| 2000
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2010/V.230/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2011/V.235/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2011/V.238/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2011/V.243/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2011/V.244/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2011/V.245/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2012/V.251/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/1993/V.21/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/1994/V.23/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/1996/V.31/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/1997/V.34/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/1999/V.44/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2000/V.53/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/1991/V.13/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/1994/V.22/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/1997/V.32/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2000/V.49/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2001/V.57/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2001/V.58/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2002/V.63/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2008/V.114/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2010/V.227/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2016/V.394/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2016/V.319/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2016/V.321/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2016/V.322/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2016/V.327/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2010/V.219/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2010/V.220/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2010/V.221/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2010/V.226/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2010/V.229/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2011/V.232/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2011/V.237/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2011/V.239/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2012/V.247/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2003/V.70/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2004/V.83/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2005/V.89/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2016/V.387/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2016/V.388/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2010/V.222/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2010/V.223/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2010/V.224/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2010/V.225/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2011/V.233/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2011/V.234/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2012/V.246/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2012/V.252/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2012/V.254/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2015/V.305/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2015/V.308/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2015/V.312/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2016/V.316/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2002/V.62/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2003/V.77/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2016/V.395/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2011/V.236/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2011/V.242/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2012/V.248/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2012/V.253/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/1998/V.37/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/1998/V.40/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/1999/V.45/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/1999/V.47/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2000/V.48/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2000/V.51/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2001/V.59/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2003/V.73/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2004/V.79/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2004/V.84/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/1991/V.14/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/1992/V.17/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/1998/V.38/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/1998/V.39/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2000/V.50/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2000/V.55/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2001/V.56/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2001/V.60/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2002/V.61/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2003/V.71/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2003/V.72/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2003/V.74/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2005/V.85/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2005/V.87/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2010/V.134/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2010/V.228/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2011/V.241/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/1991/V.15/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2006/V.93/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2007/V.101/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2008/V.107/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2008/V.108/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2008/V.110/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2008/V.112/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2009/V.117/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2009/V.122/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2009/V.125/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2010/V.129/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2010/V.131/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2011/V.137/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2016/V.320/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Lee, Michelle,
| I561.073/S527f/2010/V.135/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/C761/2011/V.240/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/C761/2012/V.255/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2010/V.285/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2014/V.360/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2014/V.361/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2015/V.378/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2015/V.380/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2015/V.383/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2015/V.384/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2016/V.386/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2016/V.390/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2016/V.391/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2011/V.231/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2012/V.249/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2012/V.250/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2010/V.289/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2015/V.382/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2016/V.385/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/1999/V.42/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/1999/V.43/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2000/V.54/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2002/V.68/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2003/V.75/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2003/V.76/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2004/V.80/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2004/V.81/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2004/V.82/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Twentieth-century literary criticism.
| DiMauro, Laurie.
| I06/T971/2016/V.331/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1978-
| 1978
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/1999/V.46/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2003/V.69/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2004/V.78/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2005/V.86/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2005/V.88/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2011/V.303/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2011/V.304/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2011/V.305/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2015/V.371/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2016/V.393/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Bvcolici Graeci /
| Gow, Andrew Sydenham Farrar,
| I545.22/B992/2006/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Oxford : Oxford University Press, [1952]
| 2006
Epigrammata Graeca /
| Page, Denys Lionel,
| I545.22/E64/2007/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Oxford : Oxford University Press, [1975]
| 2007
Lyrica Graeca selecta /
| Page, Denys Lionel,
| I545.22/L992/2008/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2008]
| 2008
XII panegyrici Latini /
| Panegyrici Latini.
| I546.62/P191/2007/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Oxford : Oxford University Press, [1964]
| 2007
Appendix Vergiliana /
| Virgil.
| I546.12/A646/2007/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Oxford : Oxford University Press, [1966]
| 2007
Isidori Hispalensis episcopi Etymologiarum sive originum libri XX /
| Isidore de Séville
| H771/I-81/2008/V.1/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2007-2008]
| 2007
Isidori Hispalensis episcopi Etymologiarum sive originum libri XX /
| Isidore de Séville
| H771/I-81/2007/V.2/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2007-2008]
| 2007
Research on English vocabulary memorization approaches from the perspective of etymology, root and a
| Li, Xin
| H313.9/L693/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| 北京 : Beijing Institute of Technology Press, 2016.
| 2016
Research on English vocabulary memorization approaches from the perspective of etymology, root and a
| Li, Xin
| H313.9/L693/2016/Y
| 总馆图书借阅区础2-础5
| 北京 : Beijing Institute of Technology Press, 2016.
| 2016
Research on English vocabulary memorization approaches from the perspective of etymology, root and a
| Li, Xin
| H313.9/L693/2016/Y
| 工学馆外文图书借阅区
| 北京 : Beijing Institute of Technology Press, 2016.
| 2016
Research on English vocabulary memorization approaches from the perspective of etymology, root and a
| Li, Xin
| H313.9/L693/2016/Y
| 信息馆借阅区2楼西
| 北京 : Beijing Institute of Technology Press, 2016.
| 2016
Research on English vocabulary memorization approaches from the perspective of etymology, root and a
| Li, Xin
| H313.9/L693/2016/Y
| 医学馆外文书库
| 北京 : Beijing Institute of Technology Press, 2016.
| 2016
Chinese perspectives : essays on Mo Yan's novels = 来自东方的视角 : 莫言小说研究文集
| Jiang, Lin
| I207.42/C539/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| 北京 : 清华大学出版社, 2016.
| 2016
Chinese perspectives : essays on Mo Yan's novels = 来自东方的视角 : 莫言小说研究文集
| Jiang, Lin
| I207.42/C539/2016/Y
| 总馆图书借阅区础2-础5
| 北京 : 清华大学出版社, 2016.
| 2016
Exploring rater variability in language performance assessment = 语言运用考试中的评分员
| Zhang, Jie
| H09/Z-63e/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| 杭州 : Zhejiang University Press, 2016.
| 2016
Exploring rater variability in language performance assessment = 语言运用考试中的评分员
| Zhang, Jie
| H09/Z-63e/2016/Y
| 总馆图书借阅区础2-础5
| 杭州 : Zhejiang University Press, 2016.
| 2016
Research papers = 国际英语学术论文写作 /
| Coyle, William,
| H315/C881(16)/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| 北京 : Beijing Language and Culture University Press, 2015.
| 2015
An intercultural rhetoric study on English-Chinese argumentative writing = 英汉语篇跨文化修
| Liu, Xinghua
| H315/L783/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Beijing : Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2015.
| 2015
An intercultural rhetoric study on English-Chinese argumentative writing = 英汉语篇跨文化修
| Liu, Xinghua
| H315/L783/2015/Y
| 总馆图书借阅区础2-础5
| Beijing : Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2015.
| 2015
基于体特征和致使关系的英语动结式事件结构研究 = An aspectual-causal event struc
| Yuan, Yimin
| H314.3/Y94a/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| 成都 : 电子科技大学出版社, 2015.
| 2015
基于体特征和致使关系的英语动结式事件结构研究 = An aspectual-causal event struc
| Yuan, Yimin
| H314.3/Y94a/2015/Y
| 总馆图书借阅区础2-础5
| 成都 : 电子科技大学出版社, 2015.
| 2015
The study of language teacher cognition = 语言教师认知研究 /
| Borg, Simon,
| H09/B732/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| [Shanghai] : Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2016.
| 2016
The study of language teacher cognition = 语言教师认知研究 /
| Borg, Simon,
| H09/B732/2016/Y
| 总馆图书借阅区础2-础5
| [Shanghai] : Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2016.
| 2016
Gold mining : the art of rhetorical discourse analysis = 掘金 : 修辞话语分析的艺术 /
| Hoven, Paul van den,
| H0/H845/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| 厦门 : Xiamen University Press, 2015.
| 2015
Gold mining : the art of rhetorical discourse analysis = 掘金 : 修辞话语分析的艺术 /
| Hoven, Paul van den,
| H0/H845/2015/Y
| 总馆图书借阅区础2-础5
| 厦门 : Xiamen University Press, 2015.
| 2015
An introduction to applied linguistics : from practice to theory = 应用语言学概论 : 从实践
| Davies, Alan,
| H08/D255(2)/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| 上海 : Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2016.
| 2016
An introduction to applied linguistics : from practice to theory = 应用语言学概论 : 从实践
| Davies, Alan,
| H08/D255(2)/2016/Y
| 总馆图书借阅区础2-础5
| 上海 : Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2016.
| 2016
海外晚清文学研究文选 /
| Li, Oufan
| I206.5/H149/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| 上海 : 復旦大學出版社, 2016.
| 2016
海外晚清文学研究文选 /
| Li, Oufan
| I206.5/H149/2016/Y
| 总馆图书借阅区础2-础5
| 上海 : 復旦大學出版社, 2016.
| 2016
The sorrows of young Werther /
| Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von,
| I516.44/G599t/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| 南京 : 译林出版社, 2016.
| 2016
The sorrows of young Werther /
| Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von,
| I516.44/G599t/2016/Y
| 总馆图书借阅区础2-础5
| 南京 : 译林出版社, 2016.
| 2016
Replication research in applied linguistics = 应用语言学中的复制研究方法 /
| Porte, Graeme Keith,
| H08/R425/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Beijing : Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2015.
| 2015
Replication research in applied linguistics = 应用语言学中的复制研究方法 /
| Porte, Graeme Keith,
| H08/R425/2015/Y
| 总馆图书借阅区础2-础5
| Beijing : Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2015.
| 2015
From postcolonialism to cosmopolitanism : the progressive quest in V.S. Naipaul's major works = 从
| Yao, Xiaoming
| I561.065/Y25/2015/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| 上海 : Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2015.
| 2015
From postcolonialism to cosmopolitanism : the progressive quest in V.S. Naipaul's major works = 从
| Yao, Xiaoming
| I561.065/Y25/2015/Y
| 总馆图书借阅区础2-础5
| 上海 : Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2015.
| 2015
Language assessment in practice : developing language assessments and justifying their use in the re
| Bachman, Lyle,
| H09/B124a/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Beijing : Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2016.
| 2016
Language assessment in practice : developing language assessments and justifying their use in the re
| Bachman, Lyle,
| H09/B124a/2016/Y
| 总馆图书借阅区础2-础5
| Beijing : Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2016.
| 2016
Sherlock Holmes : his last bow = 福尔摩斯探案全集之最后的致意 /
| Doyle, Arthur Conan,
| I561.44/D754ha/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Nanjing : Yilin Press, 2016.
| 2016
Sherlock Holmes : his last bow = 福尔摩斯探案全集之最后的致意 /
| Doyle, Arthur Conan,
| I561.44/D754ha/2016/Y
| 总馆图书借阅区础2-础5
| Nanjing : Yilin Press, 2016.
| 2016
A pragmatic study of metapragmatic expressions in media discourse : a case of argumentative TV talk
| Liu, Ping
| H030/L783a/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| 北京 : 科学出版社, 2016.
| 2016
A pragmatic study of metapragmatic expressions in media discourse : a case of argumentative TV talk
| Liu, Ping
| H030/L783a/2016/Y
| 总馆图书借阅区础2-础5
| 北京 : 科学出版社, 2016.
| 2016
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2016/V.398/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Contemporary literary criticism.
| Riley, Carolyn.
| I05/C761/2016/V.399/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1973-
| 1973
Shakespearean criticism : excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry, fro
| Shakespearean criticism (Detroit, Mich.)
| I561.073/S527f/2016/V.170/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1984-
| 1984
Nineteenth-century literature criticism.
| Gale Research Company.
| I05/N714/2016/V.325/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1981-
| 1981
New era interactive English.
| Gong, Li
| H319.3/L856(3)/2011/Level 1/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| 北京 : 清华大学出版社 : Pearson Education Asia Ltd., [2011]
| 2011
New era interactive English.
| Gong, Li
| H319.3/L856(3)/2011/Level 1/Y
| 总馆图书借阅区础2-础5
| 北京 : 清华大学出版社 : Pearson Education Asia Ltd., [2011]
| 2011
New era interactive English.
| Gong, Li
| H319.3/L856(3)/2011/Level 2/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| 北京 : 清华大学出版社 : Pearson Education Asia Ltd., [2011]
| 2011
New era interactive English.
| Gong, Li
| H319.3/L856(3)/2011/Level 2/Y
| 总馆图书借阅区础2-础5
| 北京 : 清华大学出版社 : Pearson Education Asia Ltd., [2011]
| 2011
New era interactive English.
| Gong, Li
| H319.3/L856(3)/2011/Level 3/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| 北京 : 清华大学出版社 : Pearson Education Asia Ltd., [2011]
| 2011
New era interactive English.
| Gong, Li
| H319.3/L856(3)/2011/Level 3/Y
| 总馆图书借阅区础2-础5
| 北京 : 清华大学出版社 : Pearson Education Asia Ltd., [2011]
| 2011
New era interactive English.
| Gong, Li
| H319.3/L856(3)/2011/Level 4/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| 北京 : 清华大学出版社 : Pearson Education Asia Ltd., [2011]
| 2011
New era interactive English.
| Gong, Li
| H319.3/L856(3)/2011/Level 4/Y
| 总馆图书借阅区础2-础5
| 北京 : 清华大学出版社 : Pearson Education Asia Ltd., [2011]
| 2011
APA handbook of nonverbal communication /
| Matsumoto, David Ricky,
| H026.3/A512/2016/Y
| 总馆文科阅览颁1
| Washington, DC : American Psychological Association, [2016]
| 2016
| | | | | |