




2018-06-01 来源: 浏览量:



讲座题目:Knowledge Transfer: Implications for Undergraduate Writing Instruction

主讲人:Edmund Jones教授



摘要:Although the construct of knowledge transfer first appeared in psychology journals at the beginning of the 20th century and has been refined, especially over the past thirty years, within the field of cognitive psychology, it is only in this century that the field of composition studies has started paying attention to the importance of knowledge transfer in learning how to write. The impetus for this new area of interest largely emerges from the nagging sense among first-year writing instructors, some compositionists, program directors, and colleagues from other disciplines that whatever is being taught in first-year writing classes does not “transfer” to later courses in which students need to write effectively. This talk explores some new trends in teaching writing that value more explicit teaching of “threshold concepts” thought to be critical to transfer of writing knowledge. Promising areas such as genre awareness, rhetoric, writing processes, and self-efficacy will be discussed, including some practical applications.


Edmund Jones为美国西东大学教授,主要从事认知心理学与写作教学研究,近年在国际知名学刊发表了系列相关研究论文及专著,其研究成果对英语写作教学产生了十分积极的促进作用。近年主要的相关学术成果为:

Hayes, Carol, Ed Jones, Dana Lynn Driscoll, and Gwen Gorzelsky. “Adapting Writing About Writing: Curricular Implications of Cross-Institutional Data from the Writing Transfer Project.”WPA: Writing Program Administration. Forthcoming Spring 2018.

Gorzelsky, Gwen, Carol Hayes, Joe Paszek, Ed Jones, and Dana Lynn Driscoll. “Meaningful Practice: Adaptive Learning, Writing Instruction, and Writing Research.” InContemporary Perspectives on Cognition and Writing, eds. Patricia Portanova, J. Michael Rifenburg, and Duane Roen.Perspectives on Writing. Fort Collins, Colorado: The WAC Clearinghouse and University Press of Colorado. Available at https://wac.colostate.edu/books/cognition/.

Web Publication Date: October 30, 2017.

Gorzelsky, Gwen, Carol Hayes, Ed Jones, and Dana Lynn Driscoll. “Constructive Metacognitive and a New Taxonomy for Writing Studies.” InUnderstanding Writing Transfer: Implications for Transformative Student Learning in Higher Education,eds. J. L. Moore and Randall Bass. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing, 2017.

Driscoll, Dana Lynn, Gwen Gorzelsky, Jennifer Wells, Carol Hayes, Ed Jones, and Steve Salchak. “Down the Rabbit Hole: Challenges and Methodological Recommendations in Researching Writing-Related Student Dispositions.”Composition Forum35, 2017. Retrieved from.

Gorzelsky, Gwen, Dana Lynn Driscoll, Joe Paszek, Ed Jones, and Carol Hayes. “Cultivating Constructive Metacognition: A New Taxonomy for Writing Studies.” In Critical Transitions: Writing and the Question of Transfer, eds. Chris Anson and Jessie Moore. Fort Collins, Colorado: The WAC Clearinghouse and University Press of Colorado, 2016. 215-246.

“Self-Placement at a Distance: Challenge and Opportunities.” WPA: Writing Program Administration32.1-2 (Fall/Winter 2008): 57-75.