
院党委书记 黄宏发
院长 李圣杰
院党委委员、翻译系副主任 江承志
大学英语部第四党支部书记 谢小红
院团委书记、本科生辅导员 刘迪
研究生党总支副书记 林梓弦
本科生党总支副书记 周天亮
Under the intertwined situation of profound changes unseen in a century and the epidemic, the convening of the 20th CPC National Congress has charted the course of the new journey toward building a great modern socialist country in all respects and realizing the second Centenary Goal. As a foreign language learner as well as a member of the CPC in the new era, I will deeply understand the decisive significance of the “Two Establishments”, enhance the “Four Consciousnesses”, reinforce the “Four-Sphere Confidence”, achieve the “Two Upholds”, strive to promote the opening-up to a higher level and build a community with a shared future for mankind under the new development pattern, and contribute unitedly to the development of a modern socialist country and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
本科生德语专业党支部组织委员 龚星月
Heute habe ich mir die Er?ffnungszeremonie des 20. Nationalen Volkskongresses der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas angesehen und der Rede des Staatspr?sidenten Xi Jinping zugeh?rt. Dabei war ich von den gro?en Errungenschaften Chinas in dieser neuen ?ra tief bewegt. Als junge Menschen sollten wir uns von dem Kampfgeist der Partei und des Volkes inspirieren lassen, die ?rmel hochkrempeln, hart arbeiten und durch dick und dünn gehen. Wir müssen unseren Kampf für den umfassenden Aufbau eines modernisierten sozialistischen Landes und die umfassende F?rderung der gro?en Verjüngung der chinesischen Nation vereinen.
学生党员代表、2021级俄语专业研究生 孙钰贤
Как генеральный секретарь цк кпк Си Цзиньпин сказал, “Наша партия неизменно посвящает себя вечному великому делу китайской нации. И ответственность крайне велика, и миссия почётна.” Перед нами стоят тяжёлые задачи, мы сможем их выполнить, приложив упорные и неустанные усилия. Мы молодые студенты, должны стараться заниматься учёбой и добиться важных успехов в научных исследованиях. В связи с тем, что мы изучаем иностранные языки, надо носить на себя ответственность о том, что рассказывать китайскую историю и распространять китайский голос.
学生团委副书记(研究生) 杨歆悦
Watching President Xi’ s report in the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, I was deeply moved by his words. Just as President Xi said, it is important to improve our ability to enhance the influence of Chinese culture in the world so as to tell China's stories well, and present a credible, respectable and lovely image of China to the world. As the university students majoring in foreign languages, we should not only enhance our language ability but also improve our global discourse ability to explain China to the world in the future. For example, we can show the true perspective of the epidemic in China to the world. Therefore, it is more necessary for us to have a clear understanding of China both in theories and language.
学生团委副书记 刘博宁
学生团委副书记 杨依然
The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China not only fully evaluates the progress of the past five years ,but also chart the course of our country for the next half-decade and even beyond.It is now a historical starting point, as China has embarked on a brand new journey in realizing the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. As college students in the new era, we have to be aware of the fact that our country has provided us with a best period of time for development.It is time for us to realize our ambitions, display our talent, and fulfill our potential. It is time for us to devote ourselves assiduously and faithfully to the duties of our study and profession.It is time for us to integrate the theory we learned today with our practice in the future to form a grand blueprint in building a great, modern socialist country. Go! Chinese Youth!
研究生会执行主席 周晨曦
Оглядываясь на пройденный путь и глядя на будущее, мы можем увидеть, что КПК и китайцы всегда твёрдо и уверено идут вперёд. На фоне сложных международных ситуаций, мы в качестве молодых, изучающих иностранные языки, должны помнить о своих обязанностях, рассказать о китайских событиях и китайской теории другим людям. Нам предстоит важная задача показать реальный китайский путь развития.
学生会执行主席 邓亚雯
To accomplish the Party’ s mission, we must never forget why we started. We will always remember the glories and hardships of yesterday, rise to the mission of today, and live up to the great dream of tomorrow. As teenagers in the new era, we will learn from history, work hard, forge ahead for a better future. We believe we will build upon greater glories and victories on our new journey toward a modern socialist country!
学生团支部书记联席会秘书长 崔汪洋
The great achievements of the new era are the result of the concerted efforts and struggles of the Party and the people. The Party has created great achievements in the past century with its great struggle, and it will surely create new achievements with its great new struggle. We must always stay true to our original purpose, remember our mission, and always follow the Party!
学院青年讲师团秘书长 吴天悦
In President Xi’ s report on the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, one sentence moved me deeply: “The country equate to the people and vice versa.” The Communist Party of China leads the people to fight and defend the country, which is also to protect their welfare and respect their will. CPC will constantly realize people’ s yearning for a better life and insist that development is for the people with the benefits shared by the people. Therefore, in return, our people must also hold high the patriotic banner and create resplendence under the leadership of the Communist Party.
学院“青年马克思主义者培养工程”中心秘书长 李璐莎
El país es el pueblo, y el pueblo es el país; en la conquista y preservación de un país, lo que se debe hacer es preservar el corazón del pueblo. El PCCh tiene en él sus raíces, su flujo vital y su fuerza, y siempre representa sus intereses fundamentales. El XX Congreso Nacional del PCCh que se inauguró hoy ha atraído la atención de todo el país e incluso de todo el mundo. Siendo miembro del PCCh, soy muy consciente de la importancia de este Congreso, ya que, a través de él, se ense?a al mundo la imagen de un país grandioso más abierto y confiable. Al mismo tiempo, las propuestas surgidas beneficiarán profundamente al futuro de China y al resto del mundo. Como estudiantes universitarios de idiomas extranjeros, deberíamos estudiar con más profundidad el espíritu del XX Congreso Nacional del PCCh, contar al mundo los logros extraordinarios de China y hacer al mundo oír más voces de China.
2022级法语专业团支部书记 刘凡熙
Après avoir vu le 20e Congrès national du Parti communiste chinois, je me sens telle ravie de témoigner le décollage et le nouveau développement considérable de ces dernières années. Un peuple ferme dans ses convictions fait la force du pays et porte l’espoir de la nation, quelle chance de vivre une époque prospère et pleine d’espoirs! Dans le rapport du président Xi, il a montré aussi la résolution de contribuer continuellement aux fa?ons de la démocratie, les mesures mentionnées renforceront certainement la solidarité du peuple et rendront notre société plus harmonieuse.
2022级涉外法律人才试验二班团支部书记 柯馨
After viewing the opening ceremony of the 20th National Congress of the CPC, I think the best way to celebrate the new era is to take action. As the proverb goes, a country thrives when its youth flourishes. Building a strong country is not only the aspiration of our young people, but also the mission of our times. As a new era of youth, we should follow the pace of the party, always maintain the “empty cup” mentality and always ready to conquer hardships. In the future, we will actively participate in the strategic positioning and mission of the establishing Socialism with Chinese characteristics, contribute our youthful strength in the unremitting struggle for the cause of the Party and the people.